#BGA24/sessions #GitPod #Tools
This session is part of Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2024
National Human Genome Research Institute, Johns Hopkins University
- Alex Sweeten, PhD Student
This session will introduce the tool ModDotPlot for visualizing large tandem repeats. Attendees will learn how to optimally run ModDotPlot on a set of “unknown” genome assemblies, and analyze their centromere location, satellite content, and see if there are any misassemblies.
- Understanding of linux command line basics
[!warning] "Please make sure you MEET THE PREREQUISITES and READ THE DESCRIPTION above"
You will get the most out of this session if you meet the prerequisites above.
Please also read the description carefully to see if this session is relevant to you.
If you don't meet the prerequisites or change your mind based on the description or are no longer available at the session time, please email damon at thebgacademy.org to cancel your slot so that someone else on the waitlist might attend.