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A Simple pygame ScreenRecorder

Why you should use pygame ScreenRecorder?

  1. Relatively high accuracy
  2. No (noticable) performance issues
  3. Recording FPS is not bound to game FPS
  4. Straightforward usage
  5. The codebase is well commented and typed


Apart from pygame and python >=3.8

  1. opencv-python (includes numpy)
  2. FFmpeg if you want to save videos


pip install pygame-screen-record


See the FAQ in the wiki


  1. Event recording (mouse, key, quit, etc.) ✔️
  2. Sound recording (Either event based with function hooking or as numpy arrays)
  3. A proper video player
  4. Add a wiki ✔️


File any bugs or feature requests as GitHub issues. Any comments are always welcome.

How To Use

Probably you just want to make a recording of their game and save it in a video file. Here comes how.

Note: I am using pg as an alias for pygame in the following code snippets

A typical game script might look like this:

import pygame as pg


    while True:

The try - finally - statement is very important to catch any exceptions and clean up whether the game ended naturely or not.

Adding a recorder is very simple:

import pygame as pg
from pygame_screen_record import ScreenRecorder



recorder = ScreenRecorder(60) # pass your desired fps
recorder.start_rec() # start recording

    while True:
    recorder.stop_rec()	# stop recording
    recorder.save_recording("my_recording.mp4") # saves the last recording

This code will record your screen the whole game and then save it in the current working directory as my_recording.mp4. Typical values for the frames per second (fps) are 24 (for slow games), 30, 60 and 120 (Most displays only refresh at 60 Hertz, so most users won't see a difference upwards of 60 fps). Don't forget that the fps value is (at least in theory) proportional to the memory consumption of your recording.

One cool thing of many is that you can chain functions. So for example

recorder = ScreenRecorder(60)

is equivalent to

recorder = ScreenRecorder(60).start_rec()

and you can also just write: recorder.stop_rec().save_recording("my_recording.mp4")

Advanced Recording Options

Some of the options available:

  1. Record multiple recordings
  2. Record any surface
  3. Compress ScreenRecorders
  4. Stream recordings (maybe add frame streaming too?)
  5. Apply effects on recordings

Record multiple recordings

In the example, we only recorded a single recording. However, you can record as many recordings as you like with a single ScreenRecorder. To stop and start recordings use stop_rec and start_rec. You can also abort recordings using abort_rec.

Finally, when you want to save your recordings call save_recordings("mp4"). More detailed saving options are given in the next chapter Advanced Saving Options.

Record any Surface

In most cases you want to record the whole screen. But, you can also pass an optional argument surf to a ScreenRecorder.

my_surface = pg.surface.Surface((900, 600))
recorder = ScreenRecorder(60, my_surface)

Compress recordings

You can choose to compress your recordings like this

recorder = ScreenRecorder(compress=2) # fps defaults to 60 

What does that mean? It means that every frame will be scaled down 2-times by two. This reduces the total memory consumption by 2^(2^2) = 16! But normally you will only compress by one or not compress at all. The recordings will automatically be decompressed when played or saved. So don't worry about that. Just try out whether the loss in resolution is okay for your needs.

Stream recordings

A stream in this sense is any object that implements a send function that can take a recording. To set a stream pass it to the ScreenRecorder constructor.

class Stream:
    def send(self, rec):
        print(f"Recording received with {rec.frame_number} frames, a size of {rec.size} and a total length of {rec.length} s")

my_stream = Stream()
recorder = ScreenRecorder(stream=my_stream)

Now recorder.stop_rec() will send to that stream and also save the recording internally. With recorder.stop_rec_to_stream(stream = None) you send to the stream without saving and can optionally specify a stream that will override the recorders default stream.

Set individual recordings fps


will record at 30 fps for this one recording.

Get all recordings of a recorder

all_recordings = recorder.get_recordings()

Attributes of a recorder

These are the attributes of a ScreenRecorder instance. Don't change any of these if you don't have a reason! Create a new recorder instead.

fps: float

surf: pg.Surface

compress: int

size: Tuple[int,int]
The size (width, height) of the recorded surface. Change this attribute only if you are also manually changing the surface at the same time.

dt: float
The time between (delta time) two frames in ms.
dt = 1000/fps

recordings: List[Recording]
selfexp. Same as get_recordings()

Post-Processing a recording

  1. Add frames
  2. Resize
  3. Apply effects

Adding frames

You can always append frames to a recording:

recording.add_frame(frame: pg.Surface)

Resize a recording

You might need to rescale a whole recording to a specific size:

recording.resize(size: Tuple[int,int])

Apply effects

If there is more to do than just resizing:

recording.apply(effect: Callable[[pg.Surface], pg.Surface])

Will apply the effect on every frame of the recording.

Attributes of a recording

These are pretty much the same as the attributes of a ScreenRecorder

fps: float

surf: pg.Surface

compress: int

size: Tuple[int, int] selfexp. Change this attribute only if you are also manually changing the frames at the same time (e.g. Applying a resizing filter).

dt: float

frames: List[pg.Surface]

Advanced Saving Options

Introducing the RecordingSaver

RecordingSaver(recordings: List[Recording], key: str | Sequence[str] | Callable[[int], Optional[str]], save_dir: AnyPath = None, blocking: bool = True)

recordings = recorder.get_recordings()
saver = RecordingSaver(recordings, "mp4", "saved_files")

Saves the given recordings as mp4 files in ./saved_files. But you can also just call

saved_recordings = recorder.save_recordings("mp4", "saved_files")


  • key You can either give a str, a list or a function
    If key is a str that determines the format of the recordings and they will be saved as recording_0.{key},recording_1.{key}, etc.

    Valid formats are listed if you call available_formats(). You can add/update FFmpeg-supported formats by calling add_codec(format:str, codec: int | str).

    Maybe its worth to mention the npz file format. It is not a classical video format but actually a way to save numpy arrays (npz = numpy zipped). If you don't need to share the recording in the internet or so, this is an efficient alternative. Also this library has built-in support for replaying these files.

    If key is a sequence then the ith recording will be saved as the ith element of the recording. If an element is None the according recording will be skipped.

    It is a very similar case if you give a function. The function gets an int passed and should return None or a filename.

    An example for such a key is

    key = lambda x: if x%2 == 0 then None else ("recording_{x}","mp4")

    This will return None (and skip the save) for every recording with an even index.

  • save_dir
    The directory where the recordings will be saved. Defaults to the current working directory

  • blocking
    Whether the save should block. Defaults to True

The save returns a list of paths to the recordings in the given directory. This list will not always be the same length as the recordings in the Recorder but will only return a list of recordings that were actually saved.

However, if you set block = False the function will return another function that returns the list of paths and must be called before the script ends! Now you might ask yourself why that makes any sense. Here is an example

# At this point we have a recorder that recorded some recordings
# Now we want to save the recordings as `mp4` and also as `npz`
import time #to measure how long the saves took

# A naive approach is this
start = time.time()
recorder.save_recordings("mp4", "saved_files1")
recorder.save_recordings("npz", "saved_files1")
print("First save took:", time.time() - start)

# Now we use non-blocking (asynchronous) code
start = time.time()
join1 = recorder.save_recordings("mp4", "saved_files2", False)
join2 = recorder.save_recordings("npz", "saved_files2", False)
print("This message doen't have to wait for the save. Instead it comes almost instantly")

time.sleep(2) # We add some more virtual io with time.sleep

# Finally we join the save
print("Second save took:", time.time() - start)

The second option is favorable because it takes less time than the first.

Memory Cosniderations

We talked about how to efficiently save your recordings (from a time aspect). But now we talk about how you can reduce memory consumption. Generally, all video recordings will be automatically compressed by FFmpeg/numpy. However, there are three ways you can reduce memory consumption:

  1. Reduce fps. One cool thing about this ScreenRecorder is that you can record at a different framerate than you play the game. For example you can have a game frame rate of 60 fps but only record at 30 fps. This would halve the memory usage in comparison to if you recorded at 60 fps.

  2. Resize the recording. We already established that you can halve the recording size as often as you like. But this will only reduce memory usage while the program runs. The result will still be saved in the original size. However, you can save the recording in a smaller size by using
    This will actually save and play the recording in that size, which might look very weird. So you might not actually want to do that.

  3. Shorten the recording length. You can cut out parts of a recording like this. Lets say you only want the first 300 frames.

    # This will actually mutate the recording. 
  4. Lastly, you can reduce the depth of the recording by reducing the depth of the recorded screen pg.display.set_mode((900,600), depth=your_depth). This will definitely reduce the memory usage while the program is running and it might also reduce the memory usage on the disk. However, decreasing the depth of the screen will also decrease the variety in color. But in most amateur applications this might just not matter anyway because you are not using very nuanced colors.

Replay recordings

First note

I had already implemented a VideoPlayer that could play a Full HD video (1920x816) pretty well (Thats over 6 MB per frame at 24 fps). However, there were several issues (without much detail):

  1. Missing sound
  2. Memory
  3. Lags/Preloading (combined with Memory)

Finally, I came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to write a VideoPlayer in pure Python.

Easiest way to replay a recording

# easiest
player = RecordingPlayer(recording).play()

# with an on_stop callback
def on_stop(): 
    print("Playing finished")
player = RecordingPlayer(recording, on_stop).play()

# with a different surface
my_surface = pg.Surface((900,600))
player = RecordingPlayer(recording, None, my_surface).play()

Make sure that you are not blitting anything else to the surface. However, you still have to do the flipping/updating yourself (I figured it would be weird if the player did that for you).

Very important is that you always stop a player in your finally-clause even if you normally wait for the player to end. Here a contextmanager might make sense too but I'm tending to rather no.

Advanced RecordingPlayer Options


You already know how to start a player. You can also pause the player with pause. Playing is also unpausing.



This stops the player. As said above, always stop the player if in doubt. However, don't even try to reuse a manually stopped player. Just make a new player instead, it's really simple.



Seeking is known from files and means going to a certain position. # goes to frame 300 / the 301th frame
player.seekms(3000.0) # goes to second 3 of the recording


Similarly telling is also known from files and means getting the current position.

player.tell() # Gets the current position
player.tellms() # Gets the current position in milliseconds


This method is a mixture between reviving the player after it stopped and just seeking the very first frame and playing.


Getting state information

The player has a is_ function. There are two reasons for the name

  1. It resolves the conflict with the python keyword is
  2. It might make the code more readable, reading player.is_("playing") is easy to understand and nicer to implement than making individual function for every possible state

They are all pretty self explanatory. But remember two things:

  1. player.is_("stopped") might be the most important state because you shouldn't call any other function when the player is stopped (Except restart and stop).
  2. is_("paused") is not equal to not is_("playing") (In the beginning the player is neither playing nor paused)

Making use of the on_stop

The on_stop is a very powerful tool because callbacks are always cool. Optionally, on_stop will be passed the player object itself. So, you can really do anything you want. I wrote three example callbacks which are very likely to be useful to the API user. Don't forget to import them before you use them (They are not included in *).

  1. play_indefinite will restart the player indefinitely as long as the player is not stopped manually (Stopping the player manually will overwrite the on_stop).

    player = RecordingPlayer(recording,play_indefinite).play()
  2. play_n_times plays the player n times.

    player = RecordingPlayer(recording,play_n_times(5)).play() # plays 5 times
  3. play_n_wrapper plays the player n times but it wraps another function to call each time. To come back to our very first on_stop:

    def on_stop(): 
        print("Playing finished")
    player = RecordingPlayer(recording,on_stop).play()

Playing saved npz files

I showed you how to save your recordings as npz files. However, you also need to know how to play them back. For this there is a NPZPlayer class. It takes a path to a file and extra parameters just like the RecordingPlayer

player = NPZPlayer("my_npz_file.npz", on_stop=my_on_stop).play()

In all other regards it is the same as the RecprdingPlayer

Event Register

One of my to-dos was an event register. This task is accomplished. Here comes the tutorial for this.

Let's suppose you are using events and have a deterministic game (No randomness/randomness with a seed). You just need to do four things to record your game.

  1. import EventRegister from EventRegister
  2. Create a new EventRegister object
  3. Get your events from the object
  4. Finally, save the registered events.


import EventRegister from EventRegister


reg = EventRegister("in","events.json") # save as json

    running = True
    while running:
        time.sleep(0.0099) # 100 fps
        for event in reg.get_events(): # instead of pg.event.get()
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                running = False
            elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

Now to replay that exact recorded game. Just swap in with out when instanciating the reg object and everything should work exactly as expected.

Random Seeds

If your game uses randomness - which most games should - it's very simple. This will automatically load or save the seed depending on the mode.

reg = EventRegister("in","events.json").seed()