Using this repository (tvb-data) from Github is now considered DEPRECATED. We advise you to use our Zenodo repository instead:
Various demonstration datasets for use with The Virtual Brain are provided here.
Here you will find:
* compatible file/folder structures that can be uploaded thorugh the web interface of TVB; and
* the default datasets used when working in console
or library mode.
This package should be treated as a regular Python module.
Possibly what you want to do after cloning it locally from GitHub ( is:
cd tvb-data/ python develop
to have it linked into your current Python environment.
tvb-data also is shared on Pypi, but it has fewer files, due to size restrictions there. To work with this package from pypi, run:
pip install tvb-data
- For issue tracking we are using Jira:
- For API documentation and live demos, have a look here:
- A public mailing list for users of The Virtual Brain can be joined and followed using: [email protected]
- Raw demo IPython Notebooks can be found under:
- Data from here will be used by tvb-library and tvb-framework packages on Pypi