Sample page:
note: pages which using JSON API won't work with github-pages. The sample only for demonstrate loading speed and on-demand loading (dependencies injection)
Author's email: [email protected]
Install application dependencies:
- nodeJS and npm
- gruntJS
- WebDriver Selenium (the requirement below are for e2e test only)
cd to project directory run:
npm install
require [Selenium Server] running along with JDK. Check out server-setup
npm install -g protractor
Start node server then start fake API for the project
npm start
npm run json
access sample project seed at development state with http://localhost:3030/
running both unit testing with e2e testing
webdriver-manager start
grunt test
grunt unit
grunt e2e
grunt build
The deployed website will be found at public/ folder. To access the deployed website with server environment use
npm run public
Then access it through the link http://localhost:3031/