All settings for environment
git clone
cp -r ./configs ~/
- Fill in installation and other applications
: Opens a terminal below.<leader>f
: Formats the whole file.<leader>ca
: Copies the content of the whole file.<K>
: Shows documentation in a preview window.<leader>dd
: Opens the file explorer at the file path.<Leader>da
: Opens the file explorer at the working directory.<leader>ac
: Applies code actions to the current line.<leader>qf
: Applies AutoFix to the problem on the current line.<leader>gd
: Jumps to the definition.<leader>gy
: Jumps to the type definition.<leader>gi
: Jumps to the implementation.<leader>gr
: Shows references.[g
: Navigates diagnostics.<leader>a
: Applies code actions to the selected code block.<leader>rn
: Renames symbols.<leader>cl
: Runs the Code Lens action on the current line.<C-f>
: Scrolls float windows/popups.<C-s>
: Selects ranges.
: Provides a status bar for Vim.vim-javascript
: Adds JavaScript support.typescript-vim
: Adds TypeScript syntax highlighting.vim-jsx-pretty
: Adds JS and JSX syntax highlighting.vim-graphql
: Adds GraphQL syntax highlighting.coc.nvim
: Provides autocompletion.vim-prettier
: Formats code using Prettier.vim-healthcheck
: Performs health checks for Vim.vim-floaterm
: Enables floating terminal windows.vim-ripgrep
: Integrates ripgrep search tool.vim-gitgutter
: Shows Git diff in the gutter.
- Update of plugins and autostart of Coc plugins on each Vim start.
- Highlights the symbol and its references when holding the cursor.
- Opens a terminal by default at the bottom.
- Sets the size of the terminal with a small height to avoid taking up half of the screen.
- Shows an empty buffer when a file is closed.
- Opens new buffers on the right side.
- Configures various settings for the vim-airline plugin.
- Enables Git lens to show Git diff symbols.
- Uses a specific font with a height.
- Enables formatting on save using Prettier.
- Improves user experience by reducing update time and always showing the signcolumn.
- Sets encoding to utf-8 for Vim.
- Configures various settings for the file explorer.
- Adds (Neo)Vim's native statusline support.
- Sets various key mappings for different actions.
- Configures CoCList mappings for diagnostics, extensions, commands, outline, and workspace symbols.
- Enables scrolling of float windows/popups using Ctrl+f and Ctrl+b.
- Sets key mapping for selecting ranges using Ctrl+s.