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the-djmaze edited this page Dec 17, 2023 · 3 revisions

imapsync.php is a command line tool for syncing, copying, migrating, and archiving email mailboxes between two imap servers, one way, and without duplicates.

It is similar to the script. But there are differences to cope with special IMAP extensions (like handling the METADATA and custom flags), as discussed in


/path/to/snappymail/v/0.0.0/imapsync.php \
  --host1 \
  --user1 test1               \
  --password1 "secret1"       \
  --host2 \
  --user2 test2               \
  --password2 "secret2"


    usage: imapsync.php [options]

    The standard options are the six values forming the credentials. Three
    values on each side are needed to login into the IMAP servers. These six
    values are a hostname, a username, and a password, two times.


     --host1        : Source or "from" imap server.
     --port1        : Port to connect on host1.
                      Optional since default ports are the
                      well known ports imap/143 or imaps/993.
     --user1        : User to login on host1.
     --password1    : Password of user1.

     --host2        : "destination" imap server.
     --port2        : Port to connect on host2. Optional
     --user2        : User to login on host2.
     --password2    : Password of user2.

    If you don't pass the user1 password via --password1 then imapsync will
    prompt to enter the password on the terminal. Same thing for user2 password.


     --nossl1       : Do not use a SSL connection on host1.
     --ssl1         : Use a SSL connection on host1. On by default if possible.

     --nossl2       : Do not use a SSL connection on host2.
     --ssl2         : Use a SSL connection on host2. On by default if possible.

     --notls1       : Do not use a TLS connection on host1.
     --tls1         : Use a TLS connection on host1. On by default if possible.

     --notls2       : Do not use a TLS connection on host2.
     --tls2         : Use a TLS connection on host2. On by default if possible.


     --rootfolder   : prepend this name to each target folder.
                      For example `--rootfolder "test"` then "INBOX" becomes "test.INBOX"


     --timeout1     : Connection timeout in seconds for host1.
                      Default is 300 and 0 means no timeout at all.
     --timeout2     : Connection timeout in seconds for host2.
                      Default is 300 and 0 means no timeout at all.

     --justconnect  : Just connect to both servers and print useful information.

     --justlogin    : Just login to both host1 and host2 with users
                      credentials, then exit.

     --help         : print this help.
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