I'm a frontend developer, cartographer, PhD in Geography from Minsk, Belarus.
Project name, project link | Demo | Description, main functionality | Stack | Status |
My CV | My CV in Russian. | HTML, CSS | ||
RP Location Schemes | Main information about objects' location for role playing forum. | HTML, CSS, JS | ||
Workbook | The collection of materials with specific tasks in the field of web development, their solution and explanation. | HTML, CSS, JS | ||
3d-artkarta_info | Personal site of the artist-cartographer R. Atoyan "3D artistic maps of Belarus" | HTML, CSS, JS, Wordpress | ||
Novogrudok-travel-app | A promotional page for the Novogrudok tourist app; includes sound control panel, slider, survey-test and others. | CSS, HTML, JS | ||
Postcards-calendars-collection | Site for the private collection of postcards and calendars; includes hints pop up, filter, form's validation and others | HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery |
- done;
- will be updated in the future;
- in progress.
Project name, project link | Demo | Description, main functionality | Stack | Status |
Get coordinates application | Application for getting coordinates of object on an image | JS, HTML, CSS | ||
Construct anchor links application | Helper to construct anchor links and add code to page | JS, HTML, CSS | ||
Hide letters application | Hide letters in submitted text replacing them to selected symbol | JS, HTML, CSS | ||
Birthdates book | Table that includes birthdays and some contacts of your friends and relatives. Opens on current month, shows sorted rows and statistics | JS, CSS, HTML | ||
To-Do List Application | Add new items to the list, cross off completed tasks (with the ability to undo this action), delete them. Includes statictics. | JS, CSS, HTML |
- done;
- will be updated in the future;
- in progress.
[email protected]
[email protected]