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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 12, 2023. It is now read-only.
Thomas Leon Highbaugh edited this page Jun 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Introduction & Purpose

This is the homepage for the Electric Tantra Linux Iso project. This repository functions as the core of this organization's purpose, tje creation pf a customized, easily distributed ISO that replicates my system after runnning my post-installation script on a fresh isntall. In addition, this project aims to also simplify the process of installing that system to ease the re-installation process and will additionally contain some tools to ease maintenance requiring booting into a live ISO and chrooting into a broken system.

Wiki Content

This wiki is intended to document the process of building the ISO file itself, as well as the ennumeration of the various modules and components going into that process. Additionally, information explaining why I made the choices I did will be peppered through out as such becomes relevent to the subject at hand. Though too extensive of commentary will be reserved for longer form blog posts I will surely produce when the process is finally finished, so if reading this to gain some background knowledge about using archiso to piece together your own ISO, you won't have to endure too much of weakness for a good wall post. Hopefully...

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