x-directive for responsive event handling
x-directive for responsive event handling
<div x-data="{ test: null }" x-breakpoint:max.768 @breakpoint="test = $event.detail.matches">
<p x-text="`component1: ${test}`"></p>
<span x-text="(test) ? `👍` : `👎`"></span>
usage for initialization as follows:
min or max dictates the threshold type of viewport measurement (based on width)
written with integers, base unit is pixels.
directive makes use of:
window.matchMedia(`(${min|max}-width: ${width}px)`)
for checking viewport dimensions. whenever the query fires a 'change' event a custom @breakpoint
event will fire, with the media query's matches
state returned with it:
@breakpoint="test = $event.detail.matches"
the directive will automatically dispatch an event on initialization as well. Setting the above example's null
value to the proper measurement when loaded.