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Utility bot for EDOPro scripting and development

Displays scrapiyard documentation and BabelCDB Yu-Gi-Oh! card information on Discord, and provides other useful commands for EDOPro-related development.

Searcher primarily serves as a Project Ignis devtool for scripters and developers. The project does not aim to be a general-use Yu-Gi-Oh! information bot. Auxiliary data that are not relevant to EDOPro are considered non-goals. These include, but are not limited to card prices, release dates, pack information, and translations (while the simulator does support other languages, the BabelCDB repository only maintains English cdbs).


The bot is only available in the Project Ignis Discord server and in direct messages. It is set to private and cannot be added to other servers. A full list of commands can be accessed using ,commands. Cards can be searched from within messages using square brackets, e.g. [Silhouhatte Rabbit].

For further inquiries, you can reach out to @that-hatter (or @that.hatter on Discord).


The project is written in Typescript with the discordeno Discord API library and targets Node.js v22. The codebase also heavily employs functional programming using fp-ts.


git clone
cd scrapi-searcher
npm i
npm run build


The process will expect the following environment variables:

  • BOT_PREFIX - the prefix to use for the bot's commands.
  • BOT_TOKEN - the bot's token.
  • DEV_ADMIN - the Discord ID of the user to set as the bot's administrator.
  • DEV_GUILD - the Discord ID of the guild (server) to set as the "dev server". Developer commands can be used anywhere in this server.
  • DEV_USERS - a list of names and Discord IDs for users to set as developers. These users can use developer commands even outside the developer server (except direct messages). Format: name1:ID1, name2:ID2, name3:ID3, and so on.
  • DEV_LOGS_CHANNEL - the Discord ID of the channel to send bot logs in.
  • GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN - the token to use for Github API requests.
  • GITHUB_WEBHOOK_PORT - the port to listen in for Github webhooks.
  • GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET - the Github webhook secret.
  • PICS_DEFAULT_SOURCE - (Optional) the url to download card pics from, with a placeholder %id% to replace with each card's id (e.g. https://example/%id%.jpg). If not provided, card pics will not be automatically fetched and reuploaded.
  • PICS_UPLOAD_CHANNEL - (Optional) the Discord ID of the channel to reupload card pics to. If not provided, card pics will not be automatically fetched and reuploaded.

It's recommended to create a .env file containing these variables then run the bot by pointing to that file:

node --env-file=.env dist

It can also be ran via Docker, either by building the image locally or pulling pre-built images from the registry.


  • Lilac (Satellaa), for thoroughly testing the bot before public release and writing the documentation for the commands.
  • DyXel and edo9300, for helping with the bot's hosting and deployment setup, as well as other early feedback and suggestions.
  • AlphaKretin, for their work on old Bastion. A good portion of Searcher's initial functionality are reimplementations of old Bastion commands. The initial versions of the card search shortcuts and scrapiyard entries were also generated from old Bastion's data files.
  • oldfishstick, Risk, and JustPassingThru for additional pre-release testing and feedback.
  • The rest of the Project Ignis staff and outside contributors helping out in the scrapi group of projects (including Lilac, oldfishstick, and Risk).


Utility bot for EDOPro scripting and development








Contributors 3
