Very rudimentary data extraction tool for MP4 files created by the FakeProof App.
git clone
cd fakeproof-tools
In general, FP MP4 tracks are
- Track 0: FP Metadata
- Track 1: FP Sensor Samples
- Track 2: FP Location Samples
- ...various video and audio tracks
So to extract FP Metadata, FP Sensor Data, and FP Location Data, do something like
./ -t 0 example.mp4 > fp_metadata.csv
./ -t 1 example.mp4 > fp_sensor.csv
./ -t 2 example.mp4 > fp_location.csv
git clone
cd fakeproof-tools
In general, FP MP4 tracks are
- Track 0: FP Metadata
- Track 1: FP Sensor Samples
- Track 2: FP Location Samples
- ...various video and audio tracks
So to extract FP Metadata, FP Sensor Data, and FP Location Data, do something like
./extract_track -t 0 -c fp_metadata.csv example.mp4
./extract_track -t 1 -c fp_sensor.csv example.mp4
./extract_track -t 2 -c fp_location.csv example.mp4
The details of the various fields are described at the top of extract_track.c, but for convenience, the CSV fields are
- FP Sensor Data -- Recording Timestamp, Sensor Type, X, Y, Z
- FP Location Data -- Recording Timestamp, Altitude, Vertical Accuracy, Bearing, Bearing Accuracy, Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy, Speed, Speed Accuracy, Time