Learn Appium with Java
- Java LTS ( 17)
- Maven
- Appium 2.0 (latest)
- Appium driver ( UiAutomator2 , XCUitest)
- Appium Java Client 9.2.2 (stable)
- Appium Inspector ( get locator)
- Android SDK
- Allure
- TestNG
- IDE: IntelliJ
Run appium server:
Setup devices
- update device udid for mobile properties files on devicesOnLocal folder.
- Ex:
- Ex:
- update device udid for mobile properties files on devicesOnLocal folder.
Run sequence methods suite (total time:
1m 42s
) -
Run parallel methods
suite on local (total time:43s 499ms
) -
Run parallel classes
suite:mvn test -Pparallel-test-on-selenium-grid -DmobileRunMode=local
- Run Appium Server with configure ( appium1.yml file)
# appium1.yml server: address: "2402:800:6341:fc8f:7136:edae:748a:86db" port: 4723 keep-alive-timeout: 80 use-drivers: - uiautomator2
- Register Nodes
Example:(node1.toml file)
#node1.toml [server] port = 5555 [node] detect-drivers = false [relay] url = "http://[2402:800:6341:fc8f:7136:edae:748a:86db]:4723" status-endpoint = "/status" protocol-version = "HTTP/1.1" configs = [ '1', '{"platformName": "android", "appium:udid": "", "appium:automationName": "uiautomator2"}' ]
- Register node: java -jar "$FILE_PATH"/selenium-server-4.24.0.jar node --config " $CONFIG_FILE_PATH/node1.toml"
- Run Hub:
- Run Appium Server with configure ( appium1.yml file)
Run parallel methods
suite ( total time:28s 163ms
: -
Run parallel classes
suite:mvn test -Pparallel-classes-on-selenium-grid -DmobileRunMode=selenium_grid
Run parallel tests
suite:mvn test -Pparallel-test-on-selenium-grid -DmobileRunMode=selenium_grid
Set up run on Jenskins
- Prepare env for the jenkins executor:
- Java JDK installed
- Maven
- Go to Manage jenkins > Tools (http://localhost:8080/manage/configureTools/)
- Add Maven name
- Add Maven_Home
- If Maven already installed then run command :
mvn -v
- If Maven already installed then run command :
- Allure report plugin
- Go to Plugin search Allure.
- Select allure plugin then apply
- Go to Manage Jenkins > Tools
- Add Allure command line:
- Name
- Install automatically ( select version)
- Add Allure command line:
- Parameter Trigger plugin
- download jenkins (LTS)
- Command start Jenkins:
java -jar path/jenkins.war
- Configure Jenkins
- Command start Jenkins:
- Prepare env for the jenkins executor: