PHP SDK for ADUCID authentication
Clone from github
git clone
- doc/demos - demo application, it demonstrates use of ADUCID product, designated to PHP developers
- src - PHP SDK source code
- tests - testing applications
- tools - helper tools like RPM spec file or Java to PHP enum conversion script
First check that all necessary libraries are installed ( php >= 5.1.0, php-soap, php-xml ).
Check what is Your php include_path (Points to /usr/share/php on CentOS) an choose the installation directory (/usr/share/php/aducid).
Copy aducid.php and aducidenums.php to this directory.
Now You can use aducid in Your application.
include_once "aducid/aducid.php"; aducidRequire(3.0);
There is SPEC file in tools directory. Creating rpm from tar archive is easy.
Download/clone ADUCID PHP SDK into php-aducid directory.
Pack the directory into tar archive
tar -czf php-aducid.tgz php-aducid
Build rpm package
rpmbuild -ta php-aducid.tgz