GBlog is a site to visualize my odd method of taking notes and connecting thoughts.
I take plain text notes and push it to the Miki repo, whereupon an action is kicked off to recompile and publish this site.
rails s
Rake task to move note content from text files into a sqlite database.
rails pages:load
Run this command to copy files from iCloud directory to the GBlog
rsync -avh --delete "source folder" "destination folder"
Run this command to populate the production database
RAILS_ENV=production rails pages:load
Push to github repo
git add .
git commit -m "FOO"
git push
SSH into web server
ssh redatavpn
Attach to screen, stop web server, refresh content, re-start web server
screen -ls gblog # List screen sessions
screen -r gblog # Attach to the gblog screen session
<stop server: ctrl-c>
git pull
RAILS_ENV=production rails s
<detach from screen: ctrl-a, d>
Reload site to ensure new content is present.