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Collection of textlint rule
A collection of textlint rules, plugins, and libraries.
Feel free to fix the content or to add new rules.
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#### [<rule-package-name>](<URL>)
Short description.
Note: ✔ is fixable mark. Some rules are fixable using the --fix
command line flag.
A list of textlint rules.
Check - [ ]
TODO text.
This rule checks for sentences that start with a duplicated conjunction.
This rule is for vvakame/prh check the spell with prh.yml
This rule checks for number of lines > max
Limit maximum comma(,) count in a sentence.
Disallow exclamation and question marks.
Check allowed or disallowed URI(URL)s in links and images of Markdown(.md
, .mdx
Check NG words. Set NG words to options.
Check spelling using SJSJ(Simplified JavaScript Jargon). It is joke rule :)
Check if all links are available or not.
Check if all links are available or not. Much more faster than textlint-rule-no-dead-link
and more options provided.
Check if all files follow EditorConfig's configurations.
Report error by node's type for debugging.
Check for empty sections.
Check for empty elements.
textlint rule to find mismatches between date and weekday.
Check and fix correct terms spelling.
Check with or without period in list item.
Check with or without period in header.
Disallow to use NFD well-known as UTF8-MAC
UTF8-MAC 濁点として知られるPDFからコピペなどで起きる濁点を見つけて修正するルール
Check invalid control character in the document.
Detects surrogate pairs in sentences.
Languagetool support for textlint
Check {#id}
for each headers.
Check unmatched pairs like "(" and ")".
Sort footnote identifier([^1]) order in Markdown.
Check long line. Prevent writing on the desk. 長過ぎる行をチェックするルール
textlint rule that disallow zero width spaces.
Check doubled spaces.
Avoid adding duplicated suffix word for Acronyms and Abbreviations.
This rule checks AWS product names.
This rule checks Google Cloud product names.
The rule for checking for service and product name notation errors using didyoumean
This rule checks the Azure product name.
Specify the least and most allowed header levels.
Sometimes fully-bolded paragraphs used as headers, this rule finds these paragraphs.
Unify the usage of Arabic, Arabic-Indic and Farsi numbers in a single text.
Prevents the usage of curly quotation marks (“
or ‘
), and replace them to normal ascii ones ("
and '
Check use of unexpanded acronym.
Check spellings with much more language dictionaries.
Check if abbreviations are written within parentheses.
Check English sentence using rousseau.
Alex helps you find gender favouring, polarising, race related, religion inconsiderate, or other unequal phrasing.
Check common misspellings from Wikipedia: Lists of common misspellings.
Proofreading with Ginger Proof Reader. It checks misspellings and grammatical errors.
Check spellings with native spellchecker, i.e. NSSpellChecker, Hunspell, or the Windows 8 Spell Check API, depending on your platform.
Proofreading with btford/write-good. "write good" is a "naive linter for English prose for developers who can't write good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too."
textlint rule to specify the maximum word count of a sentence.
It is an example of Advanced: Paragraph rule in textlint's documents.
Check and fix correct apostrophe usage (replace ' and ‘ with ’).
Check and fix the usage of diacritics (deja vu → déjà vu, doppelganger → doppelgänger).
Find filler words, buzzwords and clichés (like the month of, thick as a brick, utilize).
Check and fix capitalization.
A textlint rule to check English spelling. The dictionary is included.
Check if the text between two delimiters exceeds a desired length.
Specify the maximum 、
(ten) can be used in a sentence.
JapaneseStyle rule that reports errors if the input file contains both “dearu” and “desu-masu” style. (「ですます」調と「である」調の混在をチェックするルール)
"〜かもしれない" のような弱い表現の利用を禁止するルール
文末の句点記号(。)の統一 と 抜けをチェックするtextlintルールです。
- ページの始まりの見出しは#(h1)から始まる。
- ページの始まり以外の見出しで#(h1)が使われていない。(##, ###,...を利用する。)
- 見出しの深さ(h1, h2, h3など)は必ず1つずつ増加する。(h1, h3のように急に深くならない)
Check easy-to-read Keishikimeishi(pronouns) written in Hiragana than Kanji.
Check easy-to-read Fukushi(adverbs) written in Hiragana than Kanji.
Check easy-to-read Hojodoushi(auxiliary verbs) written in Hiragana than Kanji.
日本の小説における一般的な作法に従うための textlint ルールです。以下のような作法をサポートしています。
- 各段落の先頭に全角スペースまたは開き括弧のみを許可
- 閉じ括弧の手前に句読点(。、)を置かない
- 疑問符(?)と感嘆符(!)の直後にスペースを置く
- 連続した三点リーダー(…)の数は偶数にする
- 連続したダッシュ(―)の数は偶数にする
- 連続した句読点(。、)を許可しない
- 連続した中黒(・)を許可しない
- 連続した長音符(ー)を許可しない
- マイナス記号(−)は数字の前にしか許可しない
- アラビア数字は最大桁数までしか許可しない
A3RT Proofreading API を実行した結果を指摘します。
- 国際単位系(SI)の単位以外の使用を禁止します。
- JTF日本語標準スタイルガイドにも単位についての規定がありますが、textlint-rule-preset-jtf-styleでは「不可」となっていて実装がなかったため作成しました。
文章の中でJIS X 0213:2004(JIS2004)範囲外の文字が使われていると検出します。検出された文字は一部の電子書籍のリーディングシステムで表示ができないため注意が必要です。
Check and fix terms, brands and technologies spelling in your tech writing in Chinese and English. 检测并修复中英文混写技术文档中的术语、品牌、技术名词的拼写。
Prevents the mixing of LTR and RTL punctuations.
Check for Arabic diacritics (Tashkeel) issues.
Prevents the usage of kasheeda (or Tatweel in Arabic) ـ
symbol in languages like Arabic and Farsi.
Finds strict forms of letters (isolated, initial, medial, final) and normalizes them.
Ensures that the Arabic conjunction waw is properly connected to the following word and not written in isolation.
- Welcome to Pull Request
半角/全角スペースについてのルールプリセット。 次のようなルールがまとめられたもので、それぞれのルールを個別にインストールすることもできます。
- 半角文字と全角文字の間のスペースの有無
- インラインコードの周りにスペースの有無
- 全角文字同士の間のスペースの有無
- カタカナ語間の区切り文字
- かっこの外側、内側のスペースの有無
- 感嘆符後のスペースの有無
- 疑問符後のスペースの有無
- 日本語の工学系論文のためのプリセット
- 句読点など、通常の日本語執筆ルールとは異なる慣習もありますので、他のルールとの競合にご注意ください
filters any word by allowing lists.
Filter error using comments directive.
<!-- textlint-disable -->
This is ignored text by rule.
Disables all rules between comments
<!-- textlint-enable -->
Filter error by node type.
textlint filter rule that ignore reported errors at URLs.
Add HTML support
Add Re:VIEW support
Add reStructuredText(*.rst
) support
Add Satsuki notation support
Add LaTeX support
Add AsciiDoc/Asciidoctor loose support. Deprecated.
Asciidoctor support for textlint using asciidoctor.js.
JSX and TSX support for textlint.
A list of helper library for creating rule.
Scaffolding command line tool. It create textlint rule project with no configuration. It is similar with create-react-app.
textlint npm-run-scripts CLI help to create textlint rule. It contains build and test scripts.
This util provide RuleHelper
and IgnoreNodeManger
These help you to avoid unexpected result reported by rule.
The util convert Paragraph
Node to text with SourceMap.
split {japanese, english} text into sentences.
create section from document node.
Check the text is ends with period mark.
Related rules
Provides StructuredSource and functionality for converting range and loc vice versa.
Unist is Universal Syntax Tree. TxtAST of textlint has a minimum of compatibility for unist.
Maybe, Unist node utilties can used in textlint's rule.
Create a new Unist tree with all nodes that mapped by the provided function.
natural language processing, in javascript
JavaScript implementation of Japanese morphological analyzer.(形態素解析器)
Provide a high level wrapper for kuromoji.js.
- Promise API
- Cache System
- Online Playground: https://kuromojin.netlify.app/
kuromojinのtoken同士を比較して、 形態素解析結果を元にしたtoken辞書による比較を行うライブラリです。 Websiteで形態素解析結果をリアルタイムに見ることができます。
- Online Playground: https://azu.github.io/morpheme-match/
A wrapper of morpheme-match API. Match all kuromoji's tokens. kuromojinのtoken同士を比較して、 形態素解析結果を元にしたtoken辞書による比較を行うライブラリです。
Sudachi 同義語辞書を扱うパッケージ。
- Search npm:keywords:textlintrule