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Mailroom is a lightweight system for managing user lifecycle emails, such as account activations and password recovery.


  • Event-Driven: Processes database changes in real time without polling or relying on external queues.
  • Batch Processing: Collects emails into batches based on configurable size and time thresholds.
  • Security: Uses HMAC-signed secrets to ensure secure authentication, minimizing database lookups.
  • Resilient: Automatically reconnects to the database and resumes processing after transient connection failures.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Set up PostgreSQL and apply the provided database migrations.
  3. Compile the collector by installing openssl@3 and libpq@5, then running make release.
  4. (Optional) Build the sender using cargo build --release.
  5. Configure the required environment variables and start both components: ./collector | ./sender.



PostgreSQL is initialized using provided database migrations to manage the state-token relationship and operate as a single-consumer work queue.

  • Triggers: Automatically generating actions (like inserting tokens) or sending notifications.
  • Cursors (jobs): Tracking progress of processed actions.

How Notifications Work?

  • When a token is inserted into the tokens table, it includes details such as the action type, a unique secret, and an optional code.
  • A PostgreSQL trigger sends a NOTIFY event for each newly inserted token.
  • The collector subscribes to this channel and processes the corresponding rows.


The collector subscribes to a PostgreSQL notification channel, tracks incoming events, and executes a query when either a row limit (based on the number of received notifications) or a timeout is reached. The results are output as line-delimited batches to stdout, formatted as comma-separated values in the following order:


This schema is repeated for each row in the batch, all included in a single line.

  • action: Numeric representation of the email action type (e.g., 1 for activation, 2 for password recovery).
  • email: Recipient's email address.
  • username: Recipient's login name.
  • secret: A base64 URL-encoded string containing the signed token.
  • code: Optional numeric code (e.g., for password recovery).

Here, the first line contains a batch of three actions, including both password recovery and account activation actions. The second line contains a single action for account activation.

2,[email protected],johndoe,0WEKrnjY_sTEqogrR6qsp7r7Vg4SQ_0iM_1La5hHp5p31nbkrHUBS0Cz9T24iBDCk6CFqO7tJTihpsOVuHYgLg,35866,1,[email protected],janesmith,BfQXx31qfY2IJFTtzAp21IdeW0dDIxUT1Ejf3tYJDukNsfaxxOfldwL-lEfVy4SEkZ_v18rf-EWsvWXH5qgvIg,24735,1,[email protected],emmajones,jxrR5p72UWTQ8JiU2DrqjZ-K8L4t8i454S9NtPkVn4-1-bin3ediP0zHMDQU2J_iIyzH4XmNtzpXZhjV0n5xcA,25416
1,[email protected],resistance1234,zwhCIthd12DqpQSGB57S9Ky-OXV_8H0e8aHOv_kWoggIuAZ2sc-aQVpIoQ-M--PjwVfdIIxiXkv_WjRjGI57zA,38022


The sender processes batches from the collector, groups recipients by action type, and sends templated bulk emails through AWS SES.

./collector | ./sender

Environment Variables

Both components are fully configured using environment variables. Here’s the list, their purposes, and default values:


Name Default Value Description
MAILROOM_DATABASE_URL (Required) PostgreSQL connection string.
MAILROOM_SECRET_KEY (Required) 64-character hexadecimal string used as the secret key for HMAC.
MAILROOM_CHANNEL_NAME token_insert Name of the PostgreSQL NOTIFY channel to listen for notifications.
MAILROOM_QUEUE_NAME mailroom Name of the PostgreSQL queue or table for storing user actions.
MAILROOM_HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL 270000 (4.5 minutes) Interval in milliseconds for health checks on the database connection.
MAILROOM_BATCH_TIMEOUT 5000 (5 seconds) Timeout in milliseconds to wait for accumulating a batch of notifications.
MAILROOM_BATCH_LIMIT 10 Maximum number of items to process in a single batch.


Name Default Value Description
MAILROOM_DEBUG false Enables debug mode, logging requests and responses to stdout without sending emails.
MAILROOM_SES_CONFIG_SET default Name of the SES configuration set to use for sending emails.
MAILROOM_SES_SOURCE noreply@localhost Email address used as the sender.
MAILROOM_SES_OUTPUT_PATH ./output Directory path for saving HTTP responses from SES.

Database Migrations

The migrations folder contains SQL scripts for initializing the database schema. These scripts are managed using the go-migrate tool.

The initial migration includes:

  • Creating tables (accounts, tokens, jobs).
  • Defining custom types (e.g., account_status, token_action, job_type).
  • Adding triggers for token insertion, account status changes, and token consumption.
  • Setting up indexes for improved query performance.

To run the migrations:

go install -tags 'postgres'

migrate -database "postgres://localhost:5432/example?sslmode=disable" -path migrations up

Quick Testing

You can quickly populate the database for testing purposes.

printf "%.0sINSERT INTO accounts (email, login) VALUES ('user' || md5(random()::text) || '', 'user' || substr(md5(random()::text), 1, 20));select pg_sleep(0.3);\n" {1..42} | psql "postgres://localhost:5432/example"



To compile collector, ensure you have openssl@3 and libpq@5 installed on your system, then use the provided Makefile.

  • Makefile Targets
    • release: Compiles an optimized binary for production use. Default target.
    • debug: Compiles a binary with debug symbols for development.
    • clean: Removes build artifacts.


The sender is written in Rust and uses the cargo build system. Its key dependency is the aws-sdk-ses crate, which handles interactions with AWS SES.

Example: Build a debug release and run:

make clean && make debug && \
  (cd sender && cargo build) && \
  MAILROOM_DATABASE_URL="dbname=aegis" \
  MAILROOM_SECRET_KEY='deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef' \
    ./collector | \
    MAILROOM_DEBUG=true ./sender/target/debug/sender


Build image:

docker build -t mailroom:dev .

Run the container:

docker run -it \
  -e MAILROOM_DATABASE_URL="dbname=example host=host.docker.internal port=5432 user=postgres" \
  -e MAILROOM_SECRET_KEY='deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef' \
  --rm \
  --name mailroom \
  --memory=6m \