LivingDoc Plugin for Gradle
This plugin enables you to freeze and run any LivingDoc specifications as part of your build.
Currently, there is no official Gradle plugin available. In order to use this plugin you need to clone the repository and install the project artifact locally.
Clone project:
git clone [latest stable version](
To install the project artifact locally run the install task within the project directory:
./gradlew install
As a result of the install task new livingdoc-gradle-${LIVINGDOC_GRADLE_VERSION}.jar is created. The created jar can be found in the local maven repository.
In order to use the plugin you need an appropriate buildscript configuration:
buildscript {
repositories {
mavenLocal() // used to get the latest version of the install livingdoc-gradle plugin
dependencies {
classpath "info.novatec.testit:livingdoc-gradle:+" // get the plugin into the classpath
apply plugin: 'livingdoc'
As soon as the plugin is applied a livingdoc extension block is available
livingdoc {
as well as both default dependency configurations:
dependencies {
livingdocCompile ...
livingdocRuntime ...
In order to use this plugin an appropriate configuration is needed e.g.:
livingdoc {
fixtures {
uiTest {
fixtureSourceDirectory = file('path/to/the/fixtures/java')
resources {
uiTestResources {
directory = file('path/to/the/fixtures/resources')
systemUnderDevelopment = "info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.SystemUnderDevelopment"
reportsType = "xml"
debug = true
sud = "sud_name"
repositories {
confluenceRepository {
implementation = "info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.repository.FileSystemRepository"
url = "http://localhost:1990/confluence/rpc/xmlrpc?handler=livingdoc1&sut=Demo&includeStyle=true&implemented=true#LIVINGDOCDEMO"
uid = "Confluence-LIVINGDOCDEMO"
freezeDirectory = file("${buildDir.path}/livingdoc/Demo Confluence-LDD")
sortfilter {
uiTests {
path = "uiTests"
filter = "*UITEST.html"
There are lots of options that can be used to customize the plugin configuration. A list of all available plugin configuration options can be found below.
The livingdoc extension block can contains two different types of configurations a repositories configuration as well as a fixture configuration.
The repositories configuration closure is used to define one or more repositories which are used by freeze of the specifications e.g.
repositories {
// a random name
repository1 {
// fully qualified name of your suit resolver class
implementation = "info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.repository.FileSystemRepository"
// the url to your confluence repository
url = "${URL_ADDRESS}"
// the repository uid
// optional, the local directory used to freeze the specifications
freezeDirectory = file("${project.buildDir.path}/livingdoc/specs") // default
// optional, can contains one or more filter configurations. If set the filter will be applied to the set of specifications that will be freezed
sortfilter {
// a random name
filterIntTests {
// the path where the specifications will be copied after the filter is applied
path = "INTTESTS"
// corresponds to the gradle copy task [includes](
filter = "*INTTEST.html"
// a random name
filterUiTests {
// the path where the specifications will be copied after the filter is applied
path = "UITESTS"
// corresponds to the gradle copy task [includes](
filter = "*UITEST.html"
The fixtures configuration can contains one or more fixture configurations and represents a group of Java sources, resources and their configurations e.g.:
fixtures {
// a random name, in order to identify the used sourceSet of resources
uiTest {
// the source directory of your fixtures
fixtureSourceDirectory = file('path/to/the/fixtures/java')
// optional, it can be used to specify resources that are used
resources {
// there can be one or more project resources
uiTestResources {
// directory for specific resources
directory = file('path/to/the/fixtures/resources')
// the download directory of the LivingDoc specifications, notice that this path represents the directory where the specifications are freezed
specsDirectory = file('build/livingdoc/specs')
//fully qualified name of your SystemUnderDevelopment class
systemUnderDevelopment = "info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.systemunderdevelopment.DefaultSystemUnderDevelopment"
// optional parameter, if empty the default html type is used
reportsType = "xml"
// optional parameter, default false
debug = true
sud = "sud_name"
// optional, in case that additional run arguments are needed
// optional, in case that additional classpath arguments are needed