A local web app to manage your personal finance based on relevance.
After clone the repo, install the dependencies.
npm install
If you don't have, install it.
Download docker images from here.
docker compose up
Go to
Log with data that you found in the env file.
Optional. If you have some problem, import the collection in 'Settings/ Import collections'. The setup file is in setup/pb_schema.json.
For more info see Pocketbase.
npm test
Just browse to Home!
More detail on docker.
Create app image.
docker build -t YOUR_DOCKER_ID/PROJECT_NAME . -f dockerfile/Run.Dockerfile
Create Pocketbase image.
docker build -t YOUR_DOCKER_ID/PB_NAME . -f dockerfile/PB.Dockerfile
Then modify the docker-compose.yml file with the name of the images that you just create.
If you want to run containers separately.
docker run -p 8080:80 YOUR_DOCKER_ID/PROJECT_NAME
docker run -p 8090:8090 YOUR_DOCKER_ID/PB_NAME
Compare every day with months to have a perception of your monthly expenses routine.
Total of all categories.
Relevance subdivision.
Categories sample.
Edit operation on data list.