This is language documentation for D2, a modern, open-source text-to-diagram DSL. The source repository for that is here:
Deployed at
A more formal reference specification is in the works.
Init submodules
git submodule update --init
Run dev server
yarn run dev
Help wanted for translations.
Current efforts:
- Korean (Thanks @Baejw0111)
To preview in dev mode: yarn dev --locale ko
Translations are filed under i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current
Once we have enough docs translated for a certain language (e.g. above 80%), we'll enable the locale switcher on the nav bar for that language.
Diagrams are auto generated by ci/
Renders are currently saved as .svg2
because I don't know how to override Docusaurus's
SVG loader that uses SVGGo which is causing a bug during compression (removing a class).