Package log
provides the separation of the logging interface from its
implementation and decouples the logger backend from your application. It defines
a simple, lightweight and comprehensive Logger
and Factory
interfaces which
can be used through your applications without any knowledge of the particular
implemeting backend and can be configured at the application wiring point to
bind a particular backend, such as Go's standard logger, apex/log
, logrus
with ease.
To complement the facade, the package
provides an
implementation using the standard Go logger. The default log formatter for
this implementation uses colour coding for log levels and logs the date
leaving out the month and the year on the timestamp. However, the formatter
is fully configurable.
Similarly, the package
provides and implementation
using the apex/log
logger backend.
The Logger
interface defines a facade for a structured leveled log:
type Logger interface {
Level(lvl LogLevel) Logger
Field(k string, v interface{}) Logger
Fields(data map[string]interface{}) Logger
Error(err error) Logger
Log(msg string) Tracer
Logf(format string, v ...interface{}) Tracer
The Factory
defines a facade for the creation of logger instances and setting the
log output threshold for newly created instances:
type Factory interface {
New() Logger
Threshold(min LogLevel)
The package further defines three log levels differentiating between the (normally hidden)
, (default) Info
and (erroneous) Error
The log can be used both statically by binding a particular logger factory:
func init() {
std.Use(os.Stderr, log.InfoLevel, std.DefaultFmtFun)
// elsewhere
logger := log.Level(log.InfoLevel).Field("key", "value")
and dynamically by always going via a factory:
factory := std.NewFactory(os.Stderr, log.InfoLevel, std.DefaultFmtFun)
logger := factory.Level(log.InfoLevel).Field("key", "value")
By default a NoOp (no-operation) implementation is bound to the static factory.
To simplify debugging with execution time tracing, the Log
and Logf
return a tracer that can be used to measure and log the execution time:
logger := log.Level(log.DebugLevel).Field("key", "value")
defer logger.Log("start").Trace()
// code to trace the execution time of
The above code snippet would output two log entries (provided the threshold permits)
the selected Debug
level (her for the default formatter of the std
08 16:31:42.023798 DBG start {key: value}
08 16:31:45.127619 DBG traced {duration: 3.103725832}, {key: value}
Copyright (c) 2017. Oleg Sklyar and MIT license applies. All rights reserved.