- Library to display maps using
. Allows for full world-scale visualization of geographic data using tile-based chunks. - Can generate 3D geometry for terrain from terrain height data using software-generated tiles or using GPU displacement maps.
- Supports multiple maps service providers (BingMaps, GoogleMaps, HereMaps, MapBox, MapTiler, OpenMapTiles, OpenStreetMaps).
- Each one of these map providers require a developer account and a API configuration to be used.
- It is possible to implement new providers using the
interface. - Providers should have a tile-based map system to be supported by the library.
- You can test some live demos of the library running from the project page.
- Some of these examples might require API keys for the map services used.
- To add the library to your project get the library through NPM alongside with three.js and use it as a ES module.
- You can also include the library directly in you webpage but ensure first that THREE is available globally.
// Create a map tiles provider object
var provider = new OpenStreetMapsProvider();
// Create the map view and add it to your THREE scene
var map = new MapView(MapView.PLANAR, provider);
// By default, coordinates are in meters. Resize to kilometers:
map.scale.set(0.001, 0.001, 0.001);
- The project internally uses a XY EPSG:900913 coordinate format to be compatible with the XYZ coordinates used in three.js
- Use the
class to access the unit conversion methods. For example, to convert a latitude, longitude WGS84 pair value to XY coordinates you can use the code below:
var coords = Geo.UnitsUtils.datumsToSpherical(40.940119, -8.535589);
controls.target.set(coords.x, 0, -coords.y);
Tiles are fetched from the service API configured. Each one of the services requires specific configuration using the specific
object. -
Base tiles are always loaded at the beginning of the process. Each frame a couple of rays are cast into the tile tree. The number of rays can be configured using the
attribute. -
The distance of the ray to the camera is used to define if the node needs to simplified or sub-divided. These values can be configured using the
The library has support for multiple data providers that must be configured beforehand. Most of these data providers rely on an external API that differs from service to service.
Each one of them has its own provider object implementation of the
interface. -
doesn't show geographic imager, but instead shows the zoom level and the coordinates on each tile.
- The library includes multiple methods for LOD control, which define how tiles are subdivided or simplified.
- Raycast: Uses ray casting determine the distance of the nodes to the camera view. It only considers the nodes inside of the view frustum. This uses random sampling and takes some time to pick all nodes to be subdivided but is overall faster.
- Radial: Calculates the distance from the camera to each one of the nodes. The nodes closer are subdivided and nodes far away are simplified. This is a simple and effective method that considers all nodes, and provides a more consistent result.
- Frustum: Similar to the radial mode but only nodes inside of the view frustum are considered for subdivision.
- Custom
can be implemented by extending theLODControl
object and implementing theupdateLOD(view, camera, renderer, scene)
export class DistanceLOD extends LODControl
constructor() {super();}
updateLOD(view, camera, renderer, scene)
// Get world position of the camera.
var pov = new Vector3();
// Check if child in a MapNode
if(node instanceof MapNode)
var position = new Vector3();
// Distance between camera and tile
var distance = pov.distanceTo(position);
// Normalize distance based on tile level
distance /= Math.pow(2, 20 - node.level);
// If closer than X subdivide
if (distance < 50)
// If far away, simplify parent
else if (distance > 200 node.parentNode)
objects are used to define how the tiles should be represented in the space. Every node implements theMapNode
class inheriting from theTHREE.Mesh
class (every map node has a visual representation as a mesh).MapNode
s are organized hierarchically, where each node at zoom level N may have children at zoom level N+1.
- The library has support for both planar and spherical representation of tiles. Most providers only have planar tiles available.
- It is required that the tiles for spherical mode are previously adjusted, since planar tiles get more stretched as closer you get to the poles.
- There are available formats for GPU shader generated geometry using height data directly from the providers.
- GPU-generated geometry is more dense, more detailed and a lot faster. But the final geometry used is not accessible for ray casting, so interaction with these geometries is limited.
- It is possible to create new data providers to access other tile sources. New data sources have to provide access to the rasterized tile as a compatible DOM element (e.g. Image, Canvas, ...)
- Custom providers have to extend the base
class and implement thefetchTile(zoom, x, y)
method that returns aPromise
with access to the tile data. - Below is an implementation of a provider to access OpenStreetMaps tile data using the Tile API. The provider simply loads the URL data into a image element.
- These methods are called directly by nodes being loaded into the scene. These should be always asynchronous and should avoid any blocking actions.
export class OpenStreetMapsProvider extends MapProvider
constructor(address) {super();}
fetchTile(zoom, x, y)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
var image = document.createElement("img");
image.onload = function(){resolve(image);};
image.onerror = function(){reject();};
image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
image.src = "https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/" + zoom + "/" + x + "/" + y + ".png";
- Tiles coordinates for each zoom level are counted from the left-top corner sequentially across the tiles.
- Different API's might use different methods to index these tiles (e.g. Bing maps uses a different indexing method).
- These coordinates need to be adapted to ensure correct loading when using this library.
- It is also possible to generate sythetic tiles, without any external API, by writing data directly into a canvas or even using a local image database to draw the map.
- The code below shows how to implement a tile provider that draws a gradient from blue to red based on the zoom level of the tile with 16x16 pixels. This example can be used as basis for other code-based tile generators.
import {Color} from "three";
export class BlueToRedProvider extends MapProvider
fetchTile(zoom, x, y)
const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(16, 16);
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
const blue = new Color(0x0000FF);
const red = new Color(0xFF0000);
const color = blue.lerpHSL(red, (zoom - this.minZoom) / (this.maxZoom - this.minZoom));
context.fillStyle = color.getStyle();
context.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16);
return Promise.resolve(canvas);
- To implement a custom
, we can create a new class that extends the base implementation. - The objects created from the class should then be passed as argument to the
object that is responsible for managing its life cycle. - All map nodes are based on three.js
object and have attached aGeometry
used to render them into the scene. - These materials and geometries can be customized and are not required to be of any specific type. It is recommended to reuse them as much as possible to save memory.
import {SphereGeometry, MeshBasicMaterial, Vector3} from "three";
// The MapNode inherits from three Mesh object and requires a geometry and material
export class CustomMapNode extends MapNode
constructor(parentNode = null, mapView = null, location = MapNode.ROOT, level = 0, x = 0, y = 0)
super(CustomMapNode.GEOMETRY, CustomMapNode.MATERIAL, parentNode, mapView, location, level, x, y);
static GEOMETRY = new SphereGeometry(0.5, 32, 32);
static MATERIAL = new MeshBasicMaterial();
// Base geometry applied to the map view.
static BASE_GEOMETRY = new MapNodeGeometry(1, 1, 1, 1);
// Base scale is applied to the map view
static BASE_SCALE = new Vector3(UnitsUtils.EARTH_PERIMETER, 1, UnitsUtils.EARTH_PERIMETER);
initialize() {
// Method to initialize data of the node (e.g fetch assets)
// Method called on subdivision to craete child nodes
- Project uses a MIT license that allow for commercial usage of the platform without any cost.
- The license is available on the project GitHub page