HandRaise is a ‘question counter’ for creating question queues in a class setting. It allows the teacher or TA to see who to help next.
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Rails 3.2
- Postgres database
- Create an application.yml file
- Insert the following code into the application.yml, replacing [[input_description]] with the actual input:
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: [[Twilio account SID]]
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: [[Twilio account auth token]]
TWILIO_FROM: [[Twilio phone number]]
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: [[Github client_ID]]
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: [[Github client_secret]]
MAILGUN_DOMAIN : [[Mailgun domain name]]
MAILGUN_LOGIN : [[Mailgun user name]]
MAILGUN_PASSWORD : [[Mailgun password]]
- bundle install
- rake db:create
- rake db:migrate
- Update exception notification email details in exception_notifier.rb
- rails s
- http://localhost:3000/
- whenever —update-crontab
About us
Handrai.se was built by Anthony Wijnen , Ei-Lene Heng , Eugene Wang and Jane Vora while attending The Flatiron School
last update: 26th April 2013