En makefile
-L/Users/$(USER)/.brew/opt/readline/lib -I/Users/$(USER)/.brew/opt/readline/include
comp -lreadline terminal.c libft.a -L/Users/$USER/.brew/opt/readline/lib -I/Users/$USER/.brew/opt/readline/include && ./a.out
Readline Library
Para compilar readline
suprimir leaks readline
valgrind --suppressions=readline.supp --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./minishell
- USE make -n to see if compilation use -Wall -Wextra -Werror if not use invalid compilation flags - minishell Compile without errors if not use flags - makefile must not re-link
Simple Command & global
- Execute a simple command with an absolute path like /bin/ls or any other command without options - How many global variables? why? Give a concrete example of why it feels mandatory or logical. - Test an empty command. - Test only spaces or tabs. - if something crashes use the crash flag. - if something is not working use the incomplete work flag.
Arguments & history
- Execute a simple command with an absolute path like /bin/ls or any other command with arguments but without quotes and double quotes - Repeat multiple times with different commands and arguments - if something crashes use the crash flag. - if something is not working use the incomplete work flag.
- Execute the echo command with or without arguments or -n - Repeat multiple times with different arguments - if something crashes use the crash flag. - if something is not working use the incomplete work flag.
- Execute exit command with or without arguments - Repeat multiple times with different arguments - Don't forget to relaunch the minishell - if something crashes use the crash flag. - if something is not working use the incomplete work flag
Return value of a process
- Execute a simple command with an absolute path like /bin/ls or any other command with arguments but without quotes and double quotes then execute echo $? - Check the printed value. You can repeat the same in bash and compare it. - Repeat multiple times with different commands and arguments, use some failing commands like '/bin/ls filethatdoesntexist' - anything like expr $? + $? - if something crashes use the crash flag. - if something is not working use the incomplete work flag.
- Try ctrl-C in an empty prompt should show a new line with a new prompt - Try ctrl-\ in an empty prompt should not do anything - Try ctrl-D in an empty prompt should quit minishell --> RELAUNCH! - Try ctrl-C in a prompt after you wrote some stuff should show a new line with a new prompt - Try ctrl-D in a prompt after you wrote some stuff should not do anything - Try ctrl-\ in a prompt after you wrote some stuff should quit minishell --> RELAUNCH! - Try ctrl-C after running a blocking command like cat or grep without arguments - Try ctrl-\ after running a blocking command like cat or grep without arguments - Try ctrl-D after running a blocking command like cat or grep without arguments - Repeat multiple times with different commands - if something crashes use the crash flag. - if something is not working use the incomplete work flag.
Double Quotes
- Execute commands with simple quotes as an argument - Try empty arguments - Try environment variables, whitespaces, pipes, redirection in the simple quotes - echo '$USER' must print $USER - Nothing should be interprated
- Check if env shows you the current environment variables
- Export environment variables, create new ones, and replace old ones - Check them with env
- Export environment variables, create new ones, and replace old ones - Use unset to remove some of them - Check the result with env
- Use the command cd to move the working directory and check if you are in the right directory with /bin/ls - Repeat multiple times with working and not working cd - try '.' '..' as arguments too
- Use the command pwd - Repeat multiple times in multiple directories
Relative Path
- Execute commands but this time use a relative path - Repeat multiple times in multiple directories with a complex relative path (lots of ..) - Execute commands but this time without any path. (ls, wc, awk etc...) - Unset the $PATH and check if it is not working anymore - Set the $PATH to a multiple directory value (directory1:directory2) and check that directories are checked in order from left to right
- Execute commands with redirections < and/or > - Repeat multiple times with different commands and arguments and sometimes change > with >> - Check if multiple of the same redirections fail - Test << redirection (it doesn't need to update history).
- Execute commands with pipes like 'cat file | grep bla | more' - Repeat multiple times with different commands and arguments - Try some failing commands like 'ls filethatdoesntexist | grep bla | more' - Try to mix pipes and redirections.
Go Crazy and history
- type a command line then use ctrl-C then press enter the buffer should be clean and nothing try to execute. - Can we navigate through history with up and down and retry some command - Execute commands that should not work like 'dsbksdgbksdghsd' and check if the shell doesn't crash and prints an error - Try to execute a long command with a ton of arguments - Have fun with that beautiful minishell and enjoy it
Environment Variables
- Execute echo with some $ variables as argumentss - Check that $ is interprated as an environment variable - Check that double quotes interpolate $ - Check that $USER exist or set it. - echo "$USER" should print the value of $USER
And, Or
- Use &&, || and parenthesis with commands and check if it works as bash
- Use wildcards in arguments for the local directory.
Surprise (or not...)
- set USER environment variable. - Test echo "'$USER'" this should print 'USER_VALUE' - Test echo '"$USER"' this should print "$USER"