Django application to automatically test new recipes to be incorporate in the SDC component.
Use a base image with a chef client correctly configured:
The node should be configured as a admin. Execute into the chef-server:
export EDITOR=$(which vi) knife client edit <node_name>
Change admin as true.
Into the some files must be created or changed:
/root/.chef/knife.rb: log_level :info log_location STDOUT node_name 'softwaretester.novalocal' client_key '/etc/chef/client.pem' validation_client_name 'chef-validator' validation_key '/etc/chef/validator.pem' chef_server_url ''
Install python and django
wget tar -xvf Python-2.7.6.tgz cd Python-2.7.6/ ./configure PREFIX=$SOMEBASE/python-2.7.6 ./configure --prefix=/wherever/python-2.7.6 make ./configure apt-get install build-essential libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev subversion ./configure make make altinstall vi #El fcihero está en python apt-get install python-pip pip install Django pip install mockito pip install python-keystoneclient
It's necessary install some python modules: These are some ways to install it. You should choose which work into your operating system.
pip install PySvn apt-get install subversion python-svn pip install PyGit pip install PyChef apt-get install python-paramkio
In the properties.txt file you have
python runserver &
Actualmente la maquina esta en el portal de la 61, en el tenant tidcloud.
Usuario propietario beatriz.munoz, y con IP
Las peticiones por tanto se realizar'an a la direcci'on:
Se utiliza autenticaci'on con cabeceras (con en el resto de casos)