Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate web developer with expertise in HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap. I excel at creating visually appealing and responsive user interfaces that provide an exceptional user experience. With a keen eye for design and attention to detail, I utilize tools like Figma to craft stunning web designs.
As an experienced developer, I have a strong background in test automation using Cypress. I understand the importance of delivering high-quality software, and through automated testing, I ensure that the applications I develop are robust and reliable.
I am a Flutter enthusiast, utilizing the Flutter.io framework to build cross-platform mobile applications. With Flutter, I can create beautiful, performant, and feature-rich mobile apps that run seamlessly on both Android and iOS platforms.
Proficiency in Git allows me to effectively manage version control and collaborate with other developers. I am well-versed in Git workflows and understand the importance of organized and efficient collaboration on projects.
Being familiar with the Linux environment, I am comfortable working with Linux-based systems, leveraging their capabilities for development purposes. Additionally, I have experience using Postman for API testing, ensuring the smooth integration and functionality of web services.
Feel free to explore my projects and contributions on GitHub to get a better understanding of my skills and expertise. You can find my portfolio and additional information about me on my website at fluttium.dev.
Thank you for visiting my profile, and I look forward to potential collaboration opportunities!