768p ✔️ 1080p ✔️ 1440p ✔️ 4k ✔️ Mobile ✔️ TV Mode 🔜
Also: Turn it up to 11 with the new
The main goal was to have everything on one screen without having to scroll up/down. Care has been taken to make it work in windowed mode, but it's mainly for fullscreen view.
For the black & white version, paste this into your Custom CSS Box
@import url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tedhinklater/finality@main/finality.css");
or, import the colour version with
@import url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tedhinklater/finality@main/Finality-Coloured.css");
Ultrawide users, import a version above, and also this fix:
@import url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tedhinklater/finality@main/UltrawideFix.css");
Under "Display" make sure you enable backdrops and use the Dark theme