iOS implementation of the me app
- install cocoapods
brew install cocoapods
cd ../me-ios
and runpod install
- then open
- Select Me-iOS Target and run project.
If you're coming from another platform, do take some time to familiarize yourself with Apple's Human Interface Guidelines for the platform. There is a strong emphasis on good design in the iOS world, and your app should be no exception. The guidelines also provide a handy overview of native UI elements, technologies such as 3D Touch or Wallet, and icon dimensions for designers.
Xcode is the IDE of choice for most iOS developers, and the only one officially supported by Apple. Despite its shortcomings, it's actually quite usable nowadays!
To install, simply download Xcode on the Mac App Store. It comes with the newest SDK and simulators, and you can install more stuff under Preferences > Downloads.
A common question when beginning an iOS project is whether to write all views in code or use Interface Builder with Storyboards or XIB files. Both are known to occasionally result in working software. However, there are a few considerations:
- Storyboards are more prone to version conflicts due to their complex XML structure. This makes merging much harder than with code.
- It's easier to structure and reuse views in code, thereby keeping your codebase DRY.
- All information is in one place. In Interface Builder you have to click through all the inspectors to find what you're looking for.
- Storyboards introduce coupling between your code and UI, which can lead to crashes e.g. when an outlet or action is not set up correctly. These issues are not detected by the compiler.
- For the less technically inclined, Storyboards can be a great way to contribute to the project directly, e.g. by tweaking colors or layout constraints. However, this requires a working project setup and some time to learn the basics.
- Iteration is often faster since you can preview certain changes without building the project.
- Custom fonts and UI elements are represented visually in Storyboards, giving you a much better idea of the final appearance while designing.
- For size classes, Interface Builder gives you a live layout preview for the devices of your choice, including iPad split-screen multitasking.
To get the best of both worlds, you can also take a hybrid approach: Start off by sketching the initial design with Storyboards, which are great for tinkering and quick changes. You can even invite designers to participate in this process. As the UI matures and reliability becomes more important, you then transition into a code-based setup that's easier to maintain and collaborate on.
A good first step when putting a project under version control is to have a decent .gitignore
file. That way, unwanted files (user settings, temporary files, etc.) will never even make it into your repository. Luckily, GitHub has us covered for both Swift and Objective-C.
Project uses R.swift more details here.
After Localizable.string
is generated we need to run script for Me-iOS Target in Build Phase script are in R.Swift
To generate R.generated.swift
file, uncomment "${PODS_ROOT}/R.swift/rswift" generate "$SRCROOT/me-ios/Resources/R.generated.swift"
, after better to comment back to optimize the building time.
File will be generated to ../me-ios/Resources/
It makes your code that uses resources:
- Fully typed, less casting and guessing what a method will return
- Compile time checked, no more incorrect strings that make your app crash at runtime
- Autocompleted, never have to guess that image name again
- Open Project
- Choose xcodeproj and change build number
- Select build variant
- Select top bar menu Product->Archive
- Distribute App
- Next step uncheck all three variants and just press next
The Forus Foundation is the developer of the Forus platform and the mobile application 'Me' (collectively hereinafter referred to as 'Software'). One of the goals of the Forus Foundation is providing its Software as open source. This is to ensure continuity for users, to prevent vendor lock-in and to develop better software through full transparency.
Therefore, Forus Foundation permits use of the Software under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3, November 19, 2007 (hereinafter “AGPLv3”). The Forus Foundation retains its copyrights.
In other words, the Software is "free software" that you may distribute and/or modify in accordance with the AGPLv3 or (at your option) an official later version of the same terms, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
The Software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND; therefore without any implied warranty of sale or suitability for a particular purpose. See the AGPLv3 for further details.
You should have received a copy of the AGPLv3 with the Software. The AGPLv3 can also be found at
In accordance with clause “7. Additional Terms” of the AGPLv3, the following additional terms apply to use of the Software and are inextricably linked to the license granted:
a. It is not permitted to remove source indications, such as indications that Stichting Forus are the creators of the original Software, from the Software and the source codes;
b. It is mandatory to provide notice in the case of modified versions of the Software that they contain changes from the original Software;
c. It is not permitted – other than under the obligations of the AGPLv3 and the Additional Licensing Terms – to use the trade names and brands of the Forus Foundation in the sale and marketing of derivative versions of the Software, unless the Forus Foundation has given written permission.;
d. Those who convey the Software, whether or not in modified form, to third parties indemnifies Forus Foundation and all natural persons who contributed to the creation of the Software against all claims by third parties, including claims relating to errors in the Software or data loss.
More information about the Forus Foundation, including contact details, can be found at The source code of the Software can be downloaded from