This is a fork of the SonarQube GitHub Plugin to offer the same functionality to BitBucket.
For BitBucket API calls, I have put together a client library here:
Check-out wirelust-bitbucket-api
build wirelust-bitbucket-api
mvn install
build this project:
mvn package
The latest release can be found in maven central:
You can download the Jar file directly at:
copy the jar file to {SONAR_HOME}/extensions/plugins
restart SonarQube
Install plugin in Sonarqube
Run sonar via maven in preview mode
mvn clean sonar:sonar -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.bitbucket.login={YOUR_BITBUCKET_USER} -Dsonar.bitbucket.password={YOUR_PASSWORD} -Dsonar.bitbucket.repository={REPOSITORY_OWNER}/{REPOSITORY} -Dsonar.bitbucket.pullRequest={PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}{BITBUCKET_CLIENT_ID} -Dsonar.bitbucket.client.secret={BITBUCKET_CLIENT_SECRET}
You may have to disable some other plugins in order to get it to work, here are the settings I have to use:
-Dissueassignplugin.enabeld=false -Dsonar.scm-stats.enabled=false -Dsonar.scm.enabled=false -Dsonar.bitbucket.repository=teacurran/intl-litpro -Dsonar.preview.excludePlugins=buildstability,devcockpit,pdfreport,report,views,jira,buildbreaker,issueassign,scm,scm-stats -Dsonar.issuesReport.console.enable=true
Most of these options will appear in SonarQube in your global or project settings.
The only two settings that need to be passed in via maven are:
Parameter name | Description |
sonar.bitbucket.login |
Username for logging into BitBucket |
sonar.bitbucket.password |
Password for logging into BitBucket |
sonar.bitbucket.apiKey |
If you want to create pull request comments for Sonar issues under your team account, provide the API key for your team account here. | |
Bitbucket client id, required in addition to login |
sonar.bitbucket.client.secret |
Bitbucket client secret, required in addition to login |
sonar.bitbucket.repository |
Bitbucket repository in the format: owner/repository |
sonar.bitbucket.pullRequest |
Pull request ID you wish to analyze |
sonar.bitbucket.threshold |
Minimum issue severity in which a pull request can be approved. [BLOCKER, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, INFO] default: MAJOR |
sonar.bitbucket.reportNotInDiff |
Report on errors that are not caused by changes in the pull request. [true, false] default: true | |
Key for the CI job, must be unique across all your jobs. defaults to "SonarQube" | |
The name that appears on bitbucket for the build. defaults to "SonarQube" | |
The url for the status. defaults to "" |