Programming Language Technology (PLT, Chalmers DAT151, University of Gothenburg DIT231)
This is the test suite for PLT lab 3: Code generation for C--.
The following tools need to be in the PATH
- Haskell Stack in a recent enough version, e.g. version 3.1.1.
- The make tool.
- The java virtual machine.
Your solution directory needs to contain a Makefile
with instructions
so that the invocation of make
there builds your solution
and places it as executable lab3
Invoke the test runner with the path to the directory containing your solution.
stack run -- path/to/solution/directory
This will first call make
in this directory and then invoke the generated lab3
there on all the test files.
It expects lab3 path/to/
to generate a Java class file in the same directory, i.e. path/to/file.class
It will run the generated class files and check whether their output is correct.
This testsuite is originally hosted at . It contains as a git submodule, so it needs to cloned recursively, e.g.:
git clone --recursive