Create a .env
file in the server
directory and fill it with the following:
Connect to your Postgresql database and issue the following commands (this could and should be a script/migration):
CREATE DATABASE contractors_rater;
\connect contractors_rater;
CREATE TABLE contractors ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, location VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, price_range INT NOT NULL check(price_range >= 1 and price_range <= 5) );
CREATE TABLE reviews ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, contractor_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES contractors(id), name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, rating INT NOT NULL check(rating >= 1 and rating <= 5) );
INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('ACME Inc', 'Toronto', 3); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Chicken', 'Ottawa', 1); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Hammers Inc', 'Chicago', 3); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Builders Inc', 'Minnesota', 2); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Installers Inc', 'Sudbury', 5);
INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('Jane', 1, 'Contractor was fast and was safe!', 5); INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('john', 1, 'Yah, just OK I guess, he could have did a better job!', 3); INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('Alex', 2, 'Yah, just OK I guess, he could have did a better job!', 3); INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('Matthew', 3, 'Yah, just OK I guess, he could have did a better job!', 3);
to exit the shell
In the project root directory, run:
cd server
yarn install
Start the node server:
yarn start
Nodemon is a dep so any changes to the backend code will refresh without restarting the server.
In the project root directory, run:
cd client
yarn install
To start the web server, run:
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
Once you're logged in, go ahead and add contractors/sub-contractors. You can also add ratings, update, and delete entries.