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Editorial: minor tidy-ups in the promise sections
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- Consistently use record fields named [[Capability]] to store PromiseCapability records, instead of [[Capabilities]].
- Consistently uppercase PromiseCapability *R*ecord
- Consistify PerformPromiseAll and PerformPromiseRace
- Cross-reference some closure functions correctly
- Add missing whitespace in a few places

Closes #600.
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domenic authored and bterlson committed Jun 6, 2016
1 parent 3a065b4 commit 776a10e
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 28 deletions.
58 changes: 30 additions & 28 deletions spec.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34457,7 +34457,7 @@ <h1>Promise Abstract Operations</h1>
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<emu-clause id="sec-promisecapability-records">
<h1>PromiseCapability Records</h1>
<p>A PromiseCapability is a Record value used to encapsulate a promise object along with the functions that are capable of resolving or rejecting that promise object. PromiseCapability records are produced by the NewPromiseCapability abstract operation.</p>
<p>A PromiseCapability is a Record value used to encapsulate a promise object along with the functions that are capable of resolving or rejecting that promise object. PromiseCapability Records are produced by the NewPromiseCapability abstract operation.</p>
<p>PromiseCapability Records have the fields listed in <emu-xref href="#table-57"></emu-xref>.</p>
<emu-table id="table-57" caption="PromiseCapability Record Fields">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34513,7 +34513,7 @@ <h1>PromiseCapability Records</h1>
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<emu-clause id="sec-ifabruptrejectpromise" aoid="IfAbruptRejectPromise">
<h1>IfAbruptRejectPromise ( _value_, _capability_ )</h1>
<p>IfAbruptRejectPromise is a short hand for a sequence of algorithm steps that use a PromiseCapability record. An algorithm step of the form:</p>
<p>IfAbruptRejectPromise is a short hand for a sequence of algorithm steps that use a PromiseCapability Record. An algorithm step of the form:</p>
1. IfAbruptRejectPromise(_value_, _capability_).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34548,10 +34548,10 @@ <h1>PromiseReaction Records</h1>
A PromiseCapability record
A PromiseCapability Record
The capabilities of the promise for which this record provides a reaction handler.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34662,12 +34662,12 @@ <h1>FulfillPromise ( _promise_, _value_)</h1>
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<emu-clause id="sec-newpromisecapability" aoid="NewPromiseCapability">
<h1>NewPromiseCapability ( _C_ )</h1>
<p>The abstract operation NewPromiseCapability takes a constructor function, and attempts to use that constructor function in the fashion of the built-in `Promise` constructor to create a Promise object and extract its resolve and reject functions. The promise plus the resolve and reject functions are used to initialize a new PromiseCapability record which is returned as the value of this abstract operation.</p>
<p>The abstract operation NewPromiseCapability takes a constructor function, and attempts to use that constructor function in the fashion of the built-in `Promise` constructor to create a Promise object and extract its resolve and reject functions. The promise plus the resolve and reject functions are used to initialize a new PromiseCapability Record which is returned as the value of this abstract operation.</p>
1. If IsConstructor(_C_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. NOTE _C_ is assumed to be a constructor function that supports the parameter conventions of the `Promise` constructor (see <emu-xref href="#sec-promise-executor"></emu-xref>).
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be a new PromiseCapability { [[Promise]]: *undefined*, [[Resolve]]: *undefined*, [[Reject]]: *undefined* }.
1. Let _executor_ be a new built-in function object as defined in GetCapabilitiesExecutor Functions (<emu-xref href="#sec-getcapabilitiesexecutor-functions"></emu-xref>).
1. Let _executor_ be a new built-in function object as defined in <emu-xref href="#sec-getcapabilitiesexecutor-functions" title></emu-xref>.
1. Set _executor_.[[Capability]] to _promiseCapability_.
1. Let _promise_ be ? Construct(_C_, &laquo; _executor_ &raquo;).
1. If IsCallable(_promiseCapability_.[[Resolve]]) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34769,7 +34769,7 @@ <h1>PromiseReactionJob ( _reaction_, _argument_ )</h1>
<p>The job PromiseReactionJob with parameters _reaction_ and _argument_ applies the appropriate handler to the incoming value, and uses the handler's return value to resolve or reject the derived promise associated with that handler.</p>
1. Assert: _reaction_ is a PromiseReaction Record.
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be _reaction_.[[Capabilities]].
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be _reaction_.[[Capability]].
1. Let _type_ be _reaction_.[[Type]].
1. Let _handler_ be _reaction_.[[Handler]].
1. If _handler_ is *undefined*, then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34851,7 +34851,7 @@ <h1>Promise.all ( _iterable_ )</h1>
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be ? NewPromiseCapability(_C_).
1. Let _iterator_ be GetIterator(_iterable_).
1. IfAbruptRejectPromise(_iterator_, _promiseCapability_).
1. Let _iteratorRecord_ be Record {[[Iterator]]: _iterator_, [[Done]]: *false*}.
1. Let _iteratorRecord_ be Record { [[Iterator]]: _iterator_, [[Done]]: *false* }.
1. Let _result_ be PerformPromiseAll(_iteratorRecord_, _C_, _promiseCapability_).
1. If _result_ is an abrupt completion, then
1. If _iteratorRecord_.[[Done]] is *false*, let _result_ be IteratorClose(_iterator_, _result_).
Expand All @@ -34864,11 +34864,11 @@ <h1>Promise.all ( _iterable_ )</h1>

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<emu-clause id="sec-performpromiseall" aoid="PerformPromiseAll">
<h1>Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseAll( _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, _resultCapability_)</h1>
<h1>Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseAll( _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, _resultCapability_ )</h1>
<p>When the PerformPromiseAll abstract operation is called with arguments _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, and _resultCapability_, the following steps are taken:</p>
1. Assert: _constructor_ is a constructor function.
1. Assert: _resultCapability_ is a PromiseCapability record.
1. Assert: _resultCapability_ is a PromiseCapability Record.
1. Let _values_ be a new empty List.
1. Let _remainingElementsCount_ be a new Record { [[Value]]: 1 }.
1. Let _index_ be 0.
Expand All @@ -34888,11 +34888,11 @@ <h1>Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseAll( _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, _resu
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(_nextValue_).
1. Append *undefined* to _values_.
1. Let _nextPromise_ be ? Invoke(_constructor_, `"resolve"`, &laquo; _nextValue_ &raquo;).
1. Let _resolveElement_ be a new built-in function object as defined in Promise.all Resolve Element Functions.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[AlreadyCalled]] to a new Record {[[Value]]: *false* }.
1. Let _resolveElement_ be a new built-in function object as defined in <emu-xref href="#sec-promise.all-resolve-element-functions" title></emu-xref>.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[AlreadyCalled]] to a new Record { [[Value]]: *false* }.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[Index]] to _index_.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[Values]] to _values_.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[Capabilities]] to _resultCapability_.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[Capability]] to _resultCapability_.
1. Set _resolveElement_.[[RemainingElements]] to _remainingElementsCount_.
1. Set _remainingElementsCount_.[[Value]] to _remainingElementsCount_.[[Value]] + 1.
1. Perform ? Invoke(_nextPromise_, `"then"`, &laquo; _resolveElement_, _resultCapability_.[[Reject]] &raquo;).
Expand All @@ -34902,16 +34902,16 @@ <h1>Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseAll( _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, _resu

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<emu-clause id="sec-promise.all-resolve-element-functions">
<h1>Promise.all Resolve Element Functions</h1>
<p>A Promise.all resolve element function is an anonymous built-in function that is used to resolve a specific Promise.all element. Each Promise.all resolve element function has [[Index]], [[Values]], [[Capabilities]], [[RemainingElements]], and [[AlreadyCalled]] internal slots.</p>
<p>When a Promise.all resolve element function _F_ is called with argument _x_, the following steps are taken:</p>
<h1>`Promise.all` Resolve Element Functions</h1>
<p>A `Promise.all` resolve element function is an anonymous built-in function that is used to resolve a specific `Promise.all` element. Each `Promise.all` resolve element function has [[Index]], [[Values]], [[Capability]], [[RemainingElements]], and [[AlreadyCalled]] internal slots.</p>
<p>When a `Promise.all` resolve element function _F_ is called with argument _x_, the following steps are taken:</p>
1. Let _alreadyCalled_ be _F_.[[AlreadyCalled]].
1. If _alreadyCalled_.[[Value]] is *true*, return *undefined*.
1. Set _alreadyCalled_.[[Value]] to *true*.
1. Let _index_ be _F_.[[Index]].
1. Let _values_ be _F_.[[Values]].
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be _F_.[[Capabilities]].
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be _F_.[[Capability]].
1. Let _remainingElementsCount_ be _F_.[[RemainingElements]].
1. Set _values_[_index_] to _x_.
1. Set _remainingElementsCount_.[[Value]] to _remainingElementsCount_.[[Value]] - 1.
Expand All @@ -34920,7 +34920,7 @@ <h1>Promise.all Resolve Element Functions</h1>
1. Return ? Call(_promiseCapability_.[[Resolve]], *undefined*, &laquo; _valuesArray_ &raquo;).
1. Return *undefined*.
<p>The `length` property of a Promise.all resolve element function is 1.</p>
<p>The `length` property of a `Promise.all` resolve element function is 1.</p>

Expand All @@ -34941,8 +34941,8 @@ <h1>Promise.race ( _iterable_ )</h1>
1. Let _promiseCapability_ be ? NewPromiseCapability(_C_).
1. Let _iterator_ be GetIterator(_iterable_).
1. IfAbruptRejectPromise(_iterator_, _promiseCapability_).
1. Let _iteratorRecord_ be Record {[[Iterator]]: _iterator_, [[Done]]: *false*}.
1. Let _result_ be PerformPromiseRace(_iteratorRecord_, _promiseCapability_, _C_).
1. Let _iteratorRecord_ be Record { [[Iterator]]: _iterator_, [[Done]]: *false* }.
1. Let _result_ be PerformPromiseRace(_iteratorRecord_, _C_, _promiseCapability_).
1. If _result_ is an abrupt completion, then
1. If _iteratorRecord_.[[Done]] is *false*, let _result_ be IteratorClose(_iterator_, _result_).
1. IfAbruptRejectPromise(_result_, _promiseCapability_).
Expand All @@ -34957,21 +34957,23 @@ <h1>Promise.race ( _iterable_ )</h1>

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<emu-clause id="sec-performpromiserace" aoid="PerformPromiseRace">
<h1>Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseRace ( _iteratorRecord_, _promiseCapability_, _C_ )</h1>
<p>When the PerformPromiseRace abstract operation is called with arguments _iteratorRecord_, _promiseCapability_, and _C_, the following steps are taken:</p>
<h1>Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseRace ( _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, _resultCapability_ )</h1>
<p>When the PerformPromiseRace abstract operation is called with arguments _iteratorRecord_, _constructor_, and _resultCapability_, the following steps are taken:</p>
1. Assert: _constructor_ is a constructor function.
1. Assert: _resultCapability_ is a PromiseCapability Record.
1. Repeat
1. Let _next_ be IteratorStep(_iteratorRecord_.[[Iterator]]).
1. If _next_ is an abrupt completion, set _iteratorRecord_.[[Done]] to *true*.
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(_next_).
1. If _next_ is *false*, then
1. Set _iteratorRecord_.[[Done]] to *true*.
1. Return _promiseCapability_.[[Promise]].
1. Return _resultCapability_.[[Promise]].
1. Let _nextValue_ be IteratorValue(_next_).
1. If _nextValue_ is an abrupt completion, set _iteratorRecord_.[[Done]] to *true*.
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(_nextValue_).
1. Let _nextPromise_ be ? Invoke(_C_, `"resolve"`, &laquo; _nextValue_ &raquo;).
1. Perform ? Invoke(_nextPromise_, `"then"`, &laquo; _promiseCapability_.[[Resolve]], _promiseCapability_.[[Reject]] &raquo;).
1. Let _nextPromise_ be ? Invoke(_constructor_, `"resolve"`, &laquo; _nextValue_ &raquo;).
1. Perform ? Invoke(_nextPromise_, `"then"`, &laquo; _resultCapability_.[[Resolve]], _resultCapability_.[[Reject]] &raquo;).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35064,13 +35066,13 @@ <h1>PerformPromiseThen ( _promise_, _onFulfilled_, _onRejected_, _resultCapabili
<p>The abstract operation PerformPromiseThen performs the &ldquo;then&rdquo; operation on _promise_ using _onFulfilled_ and _onRejected_ as its settlement actions. The result is _resultCapability_'s promise.</p>
1. Assert: IsPromise(_promise_) is *true*.
1. Assert: _resultCapability_ is a PromiseCapability record.
1. Assert: _resultCapability_ is a PromiseCapability Record.
1. If IsCallable(_onFulfilled_) is *false*, then
1. Let _onFulfilled_ be *undefined*.
1. If IsCallable(_onRejected_) is *false*, then
1. Let _onRejected_ be *undefined*.
1. Let _fulfillReaction_ be the PromiseReaction { [[Capabilities]]: _resultCapability_, [[Type]]: `"Fulfill"`, [[Handler]]: _onFulfilled_ }.
1. Let _rejectReaction_ be the PromiseReaction { [[Capabilities]]: _resultCapability_, [[Type]]: `"Reject"`, [[Handler]]: _onRejected_ }.
1. Let _fulfillReaction_ be the PromiseReaction { [[Capability]]: _resultCapability_, [[Type]]: `"Fulfill"`, [[Handler]]: _onFulfilled_ }.
1. Let _rejectReaction_ be the PromiseReaction { [[Capability]]: _resultCapability_, [[Type]]: `"Reject"`, [[Handler]]: _onRejected_ }.
1. If _promise_.[[PromiseState]] is `"pending"`, then
1. Append _fulfillReaction_ as the last element of the List that is _promise_.[[PromiseFulfillReactions]].
1. Append _rejectReaction_ as the last element of the List that is _promise_.[[PromiseRejectReactions]].
Expand Down

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