This is an experimental tool based on Tim Brown’s Universal Typography talks and principles. It shows how typesetting decisions for the web apply in many contexts — revealing the multidimensional nature of a single typographic element (in this case, a paragraph). It also demonstrates how font metrics data can help guide good typographic decisions.
See the demo. Originally debuted at An Event Apart, Atlanta 2015.
Play with this experiment and study it. Choose a font, and make decisions about type size, measure, and leading. Modify and instantiate contexts, to see how your decisions might apply if a user has a very narrow screen or a large default font size. Then adjust your typesetting decisions to see how they apply across different contexts.
- Does this tool seem helpful to you?
- Where might something like this fit in your process?
- What could be clearer about the interface?
- Say hello to Tim on Twitter: @nicewebtype
This tool is licensed under the two-clause BSD license. Copyright 2015 Tim Brown. All rights reserved.