This is a more advanced project that I am developing step by step with the webclasses from Waldemar Neto on Youtube.
It's also being my biggest challenge so far. So each branch on my project covers some essential concepts and technologies organised step-by-step following the logic in the chapters:
- Setup Typescript
- eslint
- Jest + TypeScript
- Setup integration tests with Superjest + types
- Node.js Server Setup with Overnightjs (express.js)
- Integration with external service
- API Design
- Best practices 'error handling'
- Dynamic configuration with node-config
- Jest Mocks + Typescript
- Creation of the forecast service that processes the wind forecast for the chosen beaches
- Creation of the User module
- Integration with MongoDB using Mongoose
- Tests for integration with nock
- Advanced Validations with Mongoose
- Password encryption with bcrypt and Mongoose
- Unification of constrollers using an abstract Controller
- Json Web Token - Generating and validating tokens
- Express middleware
- Typescript module augmentation
- Setup of the Umbler environment (hosting)
- Setup Github Workflows to run the tests
- Setup of Github Workflows to automatically deply to Umbler
- Logger using pin
- Graceful shutdown
- Standard API error formatting
- Calculate the rating for each beach
- End-to-end tests with the front-end consuming the API
- Rate limit
- Open API documentation
Esse Ʃ um projeto mais avanƧado que eu estou desenvolvendo passo a passo com as web-aulas do Waldemar Neto no Youtube.
Esse estĆ” sendo o meu maior desafio de desenvolvimento de uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o ponta a ponta atĆ© o momento, e Ć© atravĆ©s do cĆ³digo que eu estou estudando e construindo ao longo das aulas que eu vou fortalecer vĆ”rios conceitos e tecnologias nas etapas:
- Setup Typescript
- eslint
- Jest + TypeScript
- Setup de Testes de integraĆ§Ć£o com Superjest + types
- Setup do servidor Node.js com Overnightjs (express.js)
- IntegraĆ§Ć£o com serviƧo externo
- Design da API
- Boas prƔticas 'error handling'
- ConfiguraĆ§Ć£o dinĆ¢mica com node-config
- Jest Mocks + Typescript
- CriaĆ§Ć£o do serviƧo de forecast que processa a previsĆ£o do vento para as praias
- CriaĆ§Ć£o do mĆ³dulo de UsuĆ”rios
- IntegraĆ§Ć£o com MongoDB utilizando Mongoose
- Testes de integraĆ§Ć£o com nock
- ValidaƧƵes avanƧadas com Mongoose
- EncriptaĆ§Ć£o de senha com bcrypt e Mongoose
- UnificaĆ§Ć£o dos constrollers utilizando um Controller abstrato
- Json Web Token - Gerando e validando tokens
- Express middlewares
- Typescript module augmentation
- Setup do ambiente da Umbler (hosting)
- Setup do Github Workflows para rodar os testes
- Setup do Github Workflows para fazer deply automaticamente para a Umbler
- Logger utilizando pino
- Graceful shutdown
- FormataĆ§Ć£o padrĆ£o de erro da API
- Calculo do rating (avaliaĆ§Ć£o) para cada praia
- Testes de ponta a ponta com o front-end consumindo a API
- Rate limit
- DocumentaĆ§Ć£o com Open API