This is the second project for the React Nanodegree of Udacity. This project was made with React, Redux (logic) and Bulma (ui) for the frontend.
This is a simple forum web project with two major pieces: Posts and Comments
Posts are the main objects in the page, they have:
- Title
- Author
- Body
- Category
- Time that was posted
- Number of comments
- Number of votes (it can be negative)
Comments are always related to one post and they have:
- Author
- Body
- Time that was made
- Number of votes (it can be negative)
On the main page the user can:
- Select posts by category, using the upright dropdown
- Click on a post to goes to that post page
- Edit and delete a post, going to the upright dropdown in the post card
- UpVote or downvote the post
- Sort posts by date or votecount
On the post page the user can:
- Edit and delete the post, same as the main page
- Add a comment, at the bottom of the page
- Edit, delete and vote for a comment
Install and start the API server
cd api-server npm install node server
In another terminal window, to start the front end
cd frontend npm install npm start
Information about the API server and how to use it can be found in its README file.