- San Jose, California
- http://tomthemighty.blogspot.com/
Zaphod integrated with information flow controls
taustin / webidl.js
Forked from davidflanagan/webidl.jsWebIDL tools
davidflanagan / webidl.js
Forked from darobin/webidl.jsWebIDL tools
taustin / dom.js
Forked from andreasgal/dom.jsSelf-hosted JavaScript implementation of a WebIDL-compliant HTML5 DOM.
Self-hosted JavaScript implementation of a WebIDL-compliant HTML5 DOM.
taustin / narcissus
Forked from mozilla/narcissusThe Narcissus meta-circular JavaScript interpreter
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - The Narcissus meta-circular JavaScript interpreter
Addon for experimental JavaScript engine in Firefox