First pull the android application from your device using adb
$ adb pull ./pathto/test.apk
Decompile the application using apktool
$ apktool d test.apk
Edit the network_security_config.xml
file in /base/res/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
<pin digest="SHA-256">YyKlrbMBaYz9er5JY/8asdfhpoXhUJY9ZZUycEPcDoU7w2s=</pin>
<pin digest="SHA-256">AoqlvZFWR5AIer/asdfDL0AvjqxtHCydEHF0WdTRitLKCY=</pin>
Remove <pin-set>...</pin-set>
and add the trust-anchors
tag and make it look like below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
<certificates src="user" />
<certificates src="system" />
cd to application root directory and build the application again using apktool
$ apktool b ./
apktool will save the new modified apk in dist
directory, Now generate the private key using keytool.
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: test
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: test
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: test
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: test
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: test
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is CN=test, OU=test, O=test, L=test, ST=test, C=US correct?
[no]: yes
Generating 2,048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) with a validity of 10,000 days
for: CN=test, OU=test, O=test, L=test, ST=test, C=US
[Storing my-release-key.keystore]
Sign the modified application with the generated private key using jarsigner
$ jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore test.apk alias_name
Uninstall the old application from the device and install the new application
$ adb install test.apk
Done! now you can intercept the request with burpsuite.