Working with Reddit's 2022 r/place public data script will download ALL csv files from and merge them into a stripped down version. The script perform the following transformations:
- Change the timestamp format to a unixtimestamp integer
- remove user_id column. You can comment the code if you want to keep this column, but in this case I'd suggest rehashing it with a smaller hash to keep the file small.
- remove quotation marks from pixel coordinate column
- change the column separators from commas to semi-colons
The script will write the CSV to the STDOUT. Redirect the output to file or pipe it into another program.
Sample usage:
./ > canvas.csv
Sample line from original files:
2022-04-01 12:44:10.315 UTC,lEjremCtNoQaJ6KGBSWsatGEMXwjqoQqGZesWxHdyPetpAyFCsyShKzs5vkloRk7IIi1OrpftoO+fGwJ9zoKYA==,#7EED56,"42,42"
Same line after being processed by