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Prettier Markdown Enhancement plugin - Don't insert spaces between alphanumeric and Han, Hiragana, or Katakana / Prettier Markdown修正プラグイン (英数字・漢字仮名間に半角スペースが挿入されないようになります)


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Prettier Makdown nocjsp (do NOt insert SPaces between Chinese or Japanese characters and alphabets or numbers) plugin

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CI (master) CI (Release) npm version

This plugin prevents Prettier from inserting spaces between Chinese or Japanese letters (e.g. Han aka Kanji & Hiragana & Katakana) and alphabets or numbers in your Markdown documents.



Target versions

The modification by this plugin has been merged into the branch for next major version (3.x) of Prettier. You do not have to install this plugin with Prettier 3.x, and you are required to uninstall this plugin after you upgrade Prettier to 3.x.
本プラグインによる修正点は、Prettierの次期メジャーバージョン(3.x)用ブランチにマージされました。このプラグインをPrettier 3.xと一緒にインストールする必要はなく、Prettierのバージョンを3.xに上げたのならばこのプラグインは用済みのためアンインストールする必要があります。

How to use

First, run yarn init or npm init in the project root directory unless you have already done or are going to install this plugin globally.
まず、プロジェクトルートディレクトリ上で、yarn initまたはnpm initを実行してください。(すでにやっている場合や、グローバル環境にインストール予定の場合は除く)

Next, install Prettier by:

yarn add -D prettier

# or (↓ when you prefer npm to yarn)

npm install -D prettier

You can install and try this plugin by:

# or `npm install -D prettier-plugin-md-nocjsp`
yarn add -D prettier-plugin-md-nocjsp

yarn prettier --parser markdown-nocjsp *.md | less

If you like the output by this plugin, you may want to add .prettierrc (or .prettier.yml) like the below to your project root:

# *snip*
  - files:
      - "*.md"
      - README
      parser: markdown-nocjsp
  - files:
      - "*.mdx"
      parser: mdx-nocjsp

Then you can format documents using this plugin just by:

# format only Markdown documents in the current directory
# `yarn` should be removed in `scripts` in `package.json`
yarn prettier -w *.md

You may want to check whether all documents have been formatted by:

yarn prettier -l *.md

Help! Prettier put extra spaces and messed up my document!

Since the version 1.4.0, this plugin has provided the private option named quickFix that allows us to remove extra spaces between han(kanji)/kana and alphanumerics forced into your document by the (plain) Prettier.

To use this option, edit .prettierrc like the following (i.e. add quickFix: true) and re-format your document just once.
このオプションを利用するには、.prettierrcを以下のように編集(quickFix: trueを加える)して、1回だけ再フォーマットします。

# *snip*
  - files:
      - "*.md"
      - README
      parser: markdown-nocjsp
      quickFix: true
  - files:
      - "*.mdx"
      parser: mdx-nocjsp
      quickFix: true

After re-format, you do not have to keep the quickFix: true option that you have just added any longer and can remove it. 再フォーマットが済んだら、追加したquickFix: trueオプションは不要なので削除してください。

Note that this cannot be specified from command line options. You are required to use e.g. .prettierrc instead.

Also, as the name "quick-fix" suggests, the behavior of this option is not perfect. There is a risk of removing even necessary spaces. After applying this option, please look over the formatted document carefully.

proseWrap value

This plugin mainly supports only the "preserve" value (default) for the proseWrap option. However, from 1.5.0, this plugin supports the other values "always" and "never". The behavior when these additional values are given is based on that of the incoming upstream Prettier 3+.
本プラグインはproseWrapオプションにおいて基本的に"preserve"の値のみに対応しています。しかし、1.5.0から、他の値、すなわち"always""never"の値にも対応しています。その時の挙動は、Prettier 3以上(将来利用可能)のものに準じています。

Formatting Examples

See the Markdown documents in the assets directory.

Why this plugin is needed

Here is an example of markdown document:

# 第1章

Without this plugin, Prettier will insert spaces (U+0020) like as follows:

# 第 1 章

Indeed, Japanese and Chinese typography stipulate that spaces similar to those inserted by Prettier.

Let us refer to the official text style guide lines. They say:



Inter-character spacing, between hiragana (cl-15), katakana (cl-16) or ideographic characters (cl-19) and Western characters or European numerals, is quarter em spacing (see Figure 102). The issue as to whether the quarter em spacing can be used for line end adjustment or not is discussed in § 3.8.2 Reduction and Addition of Inter-Character Spacing 詰める処理と空ける処理 and § 3.8.4 Procedures for Inter-Character Space Expansion 空ける処理の優先順位 .

欧字・アラビア数字の前後に配置される平仮名(cl-15),片仮名(cl-16)又は漢字等(cl-19)との字間は,四分アキとする(Figure 102).(この四分アキを行の調整処理に使用する場合の詳細については§ 3.8.2 Reduction and Addition of Inter-Character Spacing 詰める処理と空ける処理 及び§ 3.8.4 Procedures for Inter-Character Space Expansion 空ける処理の優先順位 を参照.)

“one quarter em” means quarter size of full-width. (JIS Z 8125)
“one quarter em” means amount of space that is a quarter of an em space in size.
四分 = 全角の4分の1の長さ.(JIS Z 8125)
四分アキ = 四分の空き量.

FYI: Western word space

Note that Western word space (cl-26) is a one third em space, in principle, except at line head, line head of warichu, line end and line end of warichu.


“one third em” means one third of the full-width size. (JIS Z 8125)
“one third em space” means amount of space that is one third size of em space.
三分 = 全角の3分の1の長さ.(JIS Z 8125)
三分アキ = 三分の空き量.

JIS X 4051:2004:

3.b.61 四分アキ(しぶあき,しぶんあき) 空き量を,全角アキの1/4とするもの。
One quarter em: space/width with 1/4 of full-width space.
4.6d 横書きでは,和文と欧文との間の空き量は,四分アキを原則とする。
In horizontal writing, the space between Japanese and European text should be one quarter em, as a rule.
(Translation based on DeepL)

FYI: Western word space

3.b6 欧文間隔 欧文の単語間の空きを表現する文字。
“欧文間隔” means a character that represents the space between words in European text.

4.7a 欧文間隔は,三分アキを原則とする。
The space between European words should be one third em, as a rule.

Chinese (W3C):

In principle, there is tracking or spacing between an adjacent Han character and a Western character of up to one quarter of a Han character width, except at the line start or end.
NOTE: Another approach is to use a Western word space (U+0020 SPACE), in which case the width depends on the font in use.
或可使用西文词间空格(U+0020 SPACE [ ],其宽度随不同字体有所变化)。

The following table summarizes the above quotes. It shows that the widths of spaces between Han and western characters, and between western words in both languages are different.

Japanese Chinese
文␣A 1/4 of “文” 1/4 of “文”
Substitute for U+0020 No stipulations One of the options
FYI: A␣B 1/3 of “文” Depends on fonts

Moreover, in text style guide lines for both languages (especially Japanese), using U+0020 is not the only rule.

The image below shows that the spacing between hiragana or kanji and alphabets is 1/4 of the length of the former and that it is different from the spacing between English words. (used: Microsoft Word + Yu Mincho)
次の画像は、 平仮名・漢字と英文字の間が四分アキであり、英単語間のスペースとは幅が異なることを表しています。

Japanese rendering in Word

3 underlined Hiraganas “あ” have the same width as 12 Han-alphabet spaces (do not consider those around “m”; they appear in both lines)

Space width in Word

In MS Word, the width of a space between Western words is not one quarter or third of that of Hiragana or Han. (= Chinese rule)
MS Wordでは、英単語間のアキは三分でも四分でもありません。(中国語の規則のようです)

Even in Chinese, the act of inserting U+0020 is not the only standard, and takes away the option of document viewers and converters to insert spaces a quarter of the width of Han characters, which is unacceptable. The spacing between Han characters and the alphabet should be left to them. At least Prettier must not manage spacing in place of them (idealy).

As described above, U+0020 must not be inserted between Han (or hiragana or katakana) and alphanumerics. Then, can we remove those that have already injected easily? NO!

The following sentence is correct; we must not remove any spaces in it.

作る means “make” in Japanese.

As you can see, formatter like Prettier cannot tell if the spaces should be removed and help leaving them. Once it did, it cannot be undone anymore.

TL;DR: inserting spaces (but not U+0020 itself) is the job of viewers and such, not formatters like Prettier!!! PRETTIER MUST """NEVER""" BREAK DOCUMENTS BY DOING SUCH A THING!!!! ONCE IT DO, IT CAN """NEVER""" UNDO!!!
要点: アキ(半角スペース自体ではない)を挿入する行為は表示ソフトの責務であり、Prettierのようなフォーマッタの責務ではありません!Prettierがこんなことをやらかすことにより、文書を破壊する行為は到底認められるものではありません。

Use this repository directly

Clone and build this repository by:

git clone --recursive
cd prettier-plugin-md-nocjsp
yarn install
yarn build

Note that you must make sure to add a --recursive option to git clone (See “Use this repository directly”) because this repository uses the Git submodule feature.

Then you can try it by:

yarn prettier --parser markdown-nocjsp --plugin path/to/prettier-plugin-md-nocjsp

You can test it without yarn build:

yarn prettier --parser markdown-nocjsp --plugin path/to/prettier-plugin-md-nocjsp/src/index.js

IMPORTANT: you must not run yarn install in src/prettier/, or you will get the following error after running yarn build && yarn test:

[error] Could not dynamically require "./data.generated/Script/Han". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.

This is because Rollup tries to import JSON data in the package unicode-regex in ./src/prettier/node_modules/ duplicated to that in ./node_modules/ dynamically. To fix this error, you must erase ./src/prettier/node_modules/ by:

rm -re -fo .\src\prettier\node_modules

↑Windows (PowerShell) / Unix↓

rm -rf ./src/prettier/node_modules

After this, make sure to re-run yarn build to fix the broken ./dist/main.js.


MIT License (same as Prettier itself)

This plugin reuses Prettier's code.


Prettier Markdown Enhancement plugin - Don't insert spaces between alphanumeric and Han, Hiragana, or Katakana / Prettier Markdown修正プラグイン (英数字・漢字仮名間に半角スペースが挿入されないようになります)








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