- Modern JavaScript From The Beginning (easy)
- The Ultimate JavaScript Series (easy-mid)
- Getting Started with JavaScript, v2 (easy-mid)
- JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (mid-snr)
- JavaScript: The Hard Parts (mid-snr)
- Deep JavaScript Foundations, v3 (mid-snr)
- The Ultimate TypeScript Course (easy-mid)
- TypeScript Fundamentals, v3 (easy)
- Intermediate TypeScript (mid-snr)
- React and TypeScript (mid)
- Introduction to Next.js, v2 (easy)
- Production-Grade Next.js (mid)
- Build a Fullstack App from Scratch (feat Next.js) (mid)
You are preparing for your React Interview the Wrong Way!(easy-mid)
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My Youtube Channel (tutorials related to React, CSS and etc.)
Jack Herrington (Advanced Frontend technologies Youtube channel)
Web Dev Simplified (A lot of different technique skill sharing)
Freecodecamp (One of the biggest free learning material community)
Naming convention - Airbnb React/JavaScript Style Guide(easy)
REST API Mistakes Every Junior Developer should Avoid | clean-code(easy)
CSS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 11 Hours (easy)
Tailwind CSS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 3 Hours(easy)
JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour (very easy)
Modern JavaScript From The Beginning | First 12 Hours (easy)
JavaScript Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 8 Hours (easy)
10 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know (or should you?!)(mid)
REST API Design Best Practices Handbook (How to Build a REST API with BEST PRACTICES) (easy-mid)
monorepo.tools - Everything you need to know about monorepos, and the tools to build them.(mid-snr)