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/* *--------------------------------------------------------- ** SETUP Web Application for tele-prospection ** *---------------------------------------------------------

STEP 1 : Download the files to your server STEP 2 : Create a database and add the tables declared below STEP 3 : DataBase parametres connexion and URL of the application have to be added in the ** constantes.php ** file STEP 4 : If you need Restricted acces, Modify .htaccess file (decomment lines and add replace the url) and add password and id in : repertoire_protege/.htpasswd file

*/ -- *-------------------- -- ** DATABASE ** -- *--------------------

-- Table structure for table echange

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS echange ( id int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date_echange datetime NOT NULL, type_echange enum('telephone','physique','email') NOT NULL, id_societe int(8) NOT NULL, appele tinyint(1) NOT NULL, commentaire text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=875 ;

INSERT INTO echange (id, date_echange, type_echange, id_societe, appele, commentaire) VALUES (875, '2014-12-03 14:00:00', 'telephone', 20708, 0, 'We had a one hour call to check the needs');

-- -- Table structure for table rencontre

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rencontre ( id int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date_rencontre datetime NOT NULL, type_rencontre enum('telephone','physique','email') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'telephone', id_societe int(8) NOT NULL, commentaire text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=324 ;

INSERT INTO rencontre (id, date_rencontre, type_rencontre, id_societe, commentaire) VALUES (324, '2015-05-22 10:30:00', 'telephone', 20708, 'Call back Gaëlle');

-- -- Table structure for table societe

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS societe ( id int(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, nom varchar(300) NOT NULL, adresse varchar(300) NOT NULL, cp varchar(8) NOT NULL, ville varchar(50) NOT NULL, telephone varchar(20) NOT NULL, email varchar(60) NOT NULL, site_web varchar(150) NOT NULL, nom_contact varchar(50) NOT NULL, prenom_contact varchar(50) NOT NULL, tel_contact varchar(20) NOT NULL, portable_contact varchar(20) NOT NULL, email_contact varchar(60) NOT NULL, temperature enum('chaud','tiede','froid','indetermine') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'indetermine', dirigeant varchar(200) NOT NULL, naf varchar(200) NOT NULL, autre text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=20708 ;

INSERT INTO societe (id, nom, adresse, cp, ville, telephone, email, site_web, nom_contact, prenom_contact, tel_contact, portable_contact, email_contact, temperature, dirigeant, naf, autre) VALUES (20708, '', '1519 Hyde Street', '94109', 'San Franciso', '', '', '', 'Tara', '', '4153122664', '', '[email protected]', 'chaud', '', '', '');

/* *----------------------------------- ** structure of csv file for import ** *-----------------------------------

Colonne 1 : RAISON SOCIALE | Colonne 2 : DIRIGEANT | Colonne 3 : ADRESSE | Colonne 4 : CP | Colonne 5 : VILLE | Colonne 6 : TELEPHONE | Colonne 7 : EMAIL | Colonne 8 : CODE NAF | Colonne 9 : LIBELLE NAF | Colonne 10 : RUBRIQUE PROFESSIONNELLE | Colonne 11 : FORME JURIDIQUE | Colonne 12 : STATUT ETS | Colonne 13 : EFFECTIF | Colonne 14 : DEBUT ACTIVITE */


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