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New pdPoissonDisc class: a fast(er) mechanism for rapid supersampling
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Thank you to @miorsoft for first recommending Poisson Disc sampling to me:

miorsoft/Site#4 (comment)

The original paper on Bridson's algorithm is just one page long, and easily understandable:

I wish more algorithms were this simple.

I hope to use this class to accelerate some effects and adjustments that currently experience egregious slowdowns when large radii are used.  Poisson disc sampling is cool for a lot of reasons, but one of the ones I'm most excited about is that you can easily mask the sample area to restrict the list of sampled points to an arbitrary geometric shape.  PD could use this for something like a fast bokeh effect (hypothetically... let's see how it pans out in practice).

Note that supersampling like this doesn't necessarily free a function from perf constraints tied to radius; instead, it greatly reduces the slope of the penalty associated with large r values.  Specific effects (e.g. gaussian blur(s)) will still benefit from application-specific implementations.
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tannerhelland committed Nov 15, 2019
1 parent 11bb0af commit 00672d2
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217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions Classes/pdPoissonDisc.cls
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "pdPoissonDisc"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'PhotoDemon Poisson Disc Sampler
'Copyright 2019-2019 by Tanner Helland
'Created: 14/November/19
'Last updated: 14/November/19
'Last update: initial build
'Dependencies: pdRandomize (for random number generation)
'Poisson disc sampling (PDS) is a fast way to supersample a region of 2D space:
'This class uses a fast generative technique known as Bridson's algorithm:
'What's the relevance of this to a photo editor? On some adjustments and effects,
' PD uses supersampling to accelerate the pixel sampling process. Some classes of
' filters work just fine with a representative (but not comprehensive) sample of pixels,
' and this class produces a supersample mapping guaranteed to produce a representative
' sample for any arbitrary radius (r).
'An easy example of is the bilateral filter, a la the 2012 paper "A Low-Memory,
' Straightforward and Fast Bilateral Filter Through Subsampling in Spatial Domain":
'Those authors compared PNSR between true bilateral results and supersampled results,
' and PDS was found to be the highest-quality sampler - hence why I use it here.
' Specifically, they said: "Note that the use of Poisson-disk sampling produces the
' closest approximation to the full bilateral filter. The other sampling strategies create
' visual artefacts and pattern-like artefacts, particularly when a regular sampling pattern
' is used."
'Distances are currently calculated using standard cartesian distance. In the future,
' it may be interesting to add manhattan and chebyshev to the mix.
'All source code in this file is licensed under a modified BSD license. This means you may use the code in your own
' projects IF you provide attribution. For more information, please visit

Option Explicit

'Use our own internal randomizer for point distribution
Private m_Randomize As pdRandomize

'Produce a list of points (indexed using the passed grid), evenly sampled at min radius r,
' for a source surface of width WxH.
'Returns: FALSE if the requested radius is too small to produce a usable grid
Friend Function GetDisc(ByRef dstPoints() As PointFloat, ByRef dstNumPoints As Long, ByRef outGrid() As Long, ByRef outGridWidth As Long, ByRef outGridHeight As Long, ByVal radius As Double, ByVal srcWidth As Long, ByVal srcHeight As Long) As Boolean

GetDisc = True

'Initialize the destination point list to a reasonable default
dstNumPoints = 64
ReDim dstPoints(0 To dstNumPoints - 1) As PointFloat

'We also need an internal set of "active" points (points for which we are still trying to assign
' new neighbors). This is sorta like a stack.
Dim activePoints() As PointFloat
ReDim activePoints(0 To dstNumPoints - 1) As PointFloat
Dim numActivePoints As Long

'Next, we need to set up the grid. Per Bridson's algorithm, the size of each cell should be
' r / sqrt(2).
Dim cellSize As Long
cellSize = Int(radius / Sqr(2#))

'If cells are too small, the caller needs to brute-force the algorithm instead
If (cellSize < 1) Then
GetDisc = False
Exit Function
End If

Dim rSquared As Double
rSquared = radius * radius

'Use the cell size and the source width/height to calculate width/height for the lookup grid.
' (Note that we allocate an extra cell in either direction to improve boundary behavior;
' in the future, something similar could be done in the left/top direction as well, though this
' would add a minor perf hit for array lookups.)
outGridWidth = Int(srcWidth / cellSize + 0.9999999) + 1
outGridHeight = Int(srcHeight / cellSize + 0.9999999) + 1
ReDim outGrid(0 To outGridWidth - 1, 0 To outGridHeight - 1) As Long

'Initialize the grid to some kind of "null" flag. (Cells can be empty.)
Dim x As Long, y As Long
For y = 0 To outGridHeight - 1
For x = 0 To outGridWidth - 1
outGrid(x, y) = -1
Next x
Next y

'Add an initial random point to both the the active collection.
' (Note that we deliberately initialize it to be somewhere in the middle quadrant of
' the grid; this improves performance over an initial point added to the periphery,
' where points are more likely to fail multiple boundary checks on each addition.)
Dim tmpPoint As PointFloat
tmpPoint.x = (outGridWidth \ 4) + (m_Randomize.GetRandomFloat_WH() * (outGridWidth \ 2))
tmpPoint.y = (outGridHeight \ 4) + (m_Randomize.GetRandomFloat_WH() * (outGridHeight \ 2))

dstPoints(0) = tmpPoint
dstNumPoints = 1

activePoints(0) = tmpPoint
numActivePoints = 1

Dim apIndex As Long, ptAdded As Boolean
Dim rndTheta As Double, rndRadius As Double
Dim xMin As Long, xMax As Long, yMin As Long, yMax As Long, xGrd As Long, yGrd As Long

'Now we loop endlessly; as long as there are active points to process, we'll try and
' add more points to the collection
Do While (numActivePoints > 0)

'Select a new active point
apIndex = m_Randomize.GetRandomIntRange_WH(0, numActivePoints - 1)

'We are now going to attempt to add new points around the current one. If we succeed,
' this point gets to stay in the active list, as do any point(s) we add.

'In his original paper (
' Bridson suggests - without evidence, for better or worse - 30 sampling attempts per pixel.
' You can obviously try fewer and risk a poorer distribution, at some boost to perf.
ptAdded = False

Dim k As Long

'Generate a random theta and radius for this test point
rndTheta = m_Randomize.GetRandomFloat_WH() * PI_DOUBLE
rndRadius = radius + m_Randomize.GetRandomFloat_WH() * radius

'Construct a matching cartesian position
tmpPoint.x = activePoints(apIndex).x + rndRadius * Cos(rndTheta)
tmpPoint.y = activePoints(apIndex).y + rndRadius * Sin(rndTheta)

'Test this point; if it's good, add it and exit the loop

'First, test it against source image dimensions
If (tmpPoint.x < 0) Or (tmpPoint.y < 0) Then GoTo TryAnotherPoint
If (tmpPoint.x > srcWidth) Or (tmpPoint.y > srcHeight) Then GoTo TryAnotherPoint

'Next, figure out where this points (hypothetical) grid index lies
xGrd = Int(tmpPoint.x / cellSize)
yGrd = Int(tmpPoint.y / cellSize)

'Calculate corresponding loop intervals
xMin = xGrd - 1
If (xMin < 0) Then xMin = 0
yMin = yGrd - 1
If (yMin < 0) Then yMin = 0
xMax = xMin + 2
If (xMax >= outGridWidth) Then xMax = outGridWidth - 1
yMax = yMin + 2
If (yMax >= outGridHeight) Then yMax = outGridHeight - 1

For y = yMin To yMax
For x = xMin To xMax

'Only test non-null points
If (outGrid(x, y) >= 0) Then
If (PDMath.DistanceTwoPointsShortcut(tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y, dstPoints(outGrid(x, y)).x, dstPoints(outGrid(x, y)).y) < rSquared) Then GoTo TryAnotherPoint
End If

Next x
Next y

'If we're still here, this point is valid! Add it to both lists and mark its
' corresponding grid index.
outGrid(xGrd, yGrd) = dstNumPoints

If (dstNumPoints > UBound(dstPoints)) Then ReDim Preserve dstPoints(0 To dstNumPoints * 2 - 1) As PointFloat
dstPoints(dstNumPoints) = tmpPoint
dstNumPoints = dstNumPoints + 1

If (numActivePoints > UBound(activePoints)) Then ReDim Preserve activePoints(0 To numActivePoints * 2 - 1) As PointFloat
activePoints(numActivePoints) = tmpPoint
numActivePoints = numActivePoints + 1

ptAdded = True
Exit For

Next k

'If a point was *not* added, this point should no longer be active. Remove it from the list.
If (Not ptAdded) Then

'Fast remove; swap with the trailing point
activePoints(apIndex) = activePoints(numActivePoints - 1)
numActivePoints = numActivePoints - 1

End If


End Function

'The point of this class is to return
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Randomize = New pdRandomize
End Sub
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion Classes/pdRandomize.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ Friend Function GetRandomInt_VB() As Long
GetRandomInt_VB = Int((m_HighBound - m_LowBound + 1) * Rnd + m_LowBound)
End Function

Friend Function GetRandomIntRange_VB(ByVal lowBound As Long, ByVal highBound As Long) As Long
GetRandomIntRange_VB = Int((highBound - lowBound + 1) * Rnd + lowBound)
End Function

'Return a random float using VB's internal randomize engine. Bounds are ignored. This is kind of a stupid function, as it would
' be faster to just use Rnd yourself, but it's included here for completeness.
Friend Function GetRandomFloat_VB() As Double
Expand All @@ -162,7 +166,11 @@ End Function

'Return a random integer using the Wichmann-Hill PRNG. If supplied earlier, bounds are used.
Friend Function GetRandomInt_WH() As Long
GetRandomInt_WH = Int((m_HighBound - m_LowBound + 1) * GetRandomFloat_WH + m_LowBound)
GetRandomInt_WH = Int((m_HighBound - m_LowBound + 1) * GetRandomFloat_WH() + m_LowBound)
End Function

Friend Function GetRandomIntRange_WH(ByVal lowBound As Long, ByVal highBound As Long) As Long
GetRandomIntRange_WH = Int((highBound - lowBound + 1) * GetRandomFloat_WH() + lowBound)
End Function

'Return a random float using the Wichmann-Hill PRNG. Pretty fast, good distribution too.
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Forms/MainWindow.frm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1891,6 +1891,31 @@ Private Sub MnuTest_Click()

On Error GoTo StopTestImmediately

Dim cPoisson As pdPoissonDisc
Set cPoisson = New pdPoissonDisc

Dim listPoints() As PointFloat, numPoints As Long
Dim ptGrid() As Long, gridWidth As Long, gridHeight As Long
cPoisson.GetDisc listPoints, numPoints, ptGrid, gridWidth, gridHeight, 20#, PDImages.GetActiveImage.GetActiveDIB.GetDIBWidth, PDImages.GetActiveImage.GetActiveDIB.GetDIBHeight

'Draw all points?
Dim cSurface As pd2DSurface, cBrush As pd2DBrush
Set cSurface = New pd2DSurface
cSurface.WrapSurfaceAroundPDDIB PDImages.GetActiveImage.GetActiveDIB

Set cBrush = New pd2DBrush
cBrush.SetBrushColor RGB(255, 0, 0)

Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To numPoints - 1
PD2D.FillCircleF cSurface, cBrush, listPoints(i).x, listPoints(i).y, 3!
Next i

Set cSurface = Nothing
PDImages.GetActiveImage.NotifyImageChanged UNDO_Layer, PDImages.GetActiveImage.GetActiveLayerIndex

ViewportEngine.Stage2_CompositeAllLayers PDImages.GetActiveImage, FormMain.MainCanvas(0)


'Want to test a new dialog? Call it here, using a line like the following:
Expand Down

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