Tanium is sunsetting PyTan and encouraging customers and partners to utilize the REST API for integrations. Work with your TAM to start using the REST API as soon as possible.
This is a set of packages and scripts that provide a simple way for interfacing with the Tanium SOAP API using python or the command line.
- 2.3.0 (June 10 2019) Release Link
Documentation is only generated for major releases!
- Online documentation for PyTan 2.1.6:
- Offline documentation for PyTan 2.1.6:
- Other documentation:
- First, download PyTan using your browser by browsing to: https://github.com/tanium/pytan/releases/latest and choosing one of the Downloads (zip or tar.gz)
- Then refer to the OS specific instructions below to proceed.
- Additional information on installation can be found in the documentation
- Create a new directory for storing PyTan:
mkdir ~/tanium
- Extract the PyTan ZIP file you downloaded to ~/tanium:
cd ~/tanium
unzip pytan-2.2.2.zip
- Verify that your OSX install has Python 2.7.x installed and that your PYTHONPATH points to 2.7.x:
python -V
python -c “import sys; print sys.path”
- Create a new directory for storing PyTan:
mkdir ~/tanium
- Extract the PyTan ZIP file you downloaded to ~/tanium:
cd ~/tanium
unzip pytan-2.2.2.zip
- Verify that your linux distribution has Python 2.7.x installed and that your PYTHONPATH points to 2.7.x:
python -V
python -c “import sys; print sys.path”
- Create a new directory for storing PyTan:
mkdir c:\tanium
- Extract the PyTan ZIP file you downloaded to C:\tanium
- Install Python 2.7.10:
- Using your browser, download Python 2.7.10 from: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2710/
- Run the Python 2.7.10 installer
- On the Customize Python section of the installer select, 'Add Python.exe to Path' to allow you to run Python from cmd shell without absolute path
- Accept all other defaults for the installer
- The current stable version will always be maintained in the master branch.
- Unstable and development versions can be accessed via the develop branch.
- Full regression tests will be performed every major (x.0.0) or minor (0.x.0) release of PyTan
- All documentation and API examples will be rebuilt every major (x.0.0) or minor (0.x.0) release of PyTan
- Revision releases (0.0.x) will only be tested against the latest stable release of Tanium for each minor build (6.2.314.xxxx, 6.5.314.xxxx, etc.)
- Author and Maintainer: Jim Olsen ([email protected])
- License: MIT
- Copyright: Tanium Inc. 2017