The project involves implementing a tool (scheduler) that helps schedule and organize MathCS classes. This scheduler should reflect different class meeting patterns (MW, MWF, TuTh, Fri only) and it should be very user-friendly, via an easy to interact with interface. Classes should be shown via a calendar-like layout. Each class should be created into a unique movable box directly on the calendar (drag and drop). The ideal software would feature a robust, fast, and elegant GUI.
###Demo Running on Amazon Ubuntu EC2 instance:
- [Download MongoDB] (
- [Download Node] (
- Clone the repository
npm install bower -g
in the root directorynpm install
in the root directorybower install
in the public directorynpm start
in the root directory to serve the code to localhost:3000
- Drag and Drop
- Optimized saving mechanisms (not deleting then creating, use update instead)
- Add login page
- Add security for APIs
- Separate data into semesters so db does not need to be reset every semester
- Accomodations for labs and other unstructured schedule times
- Add autocomplete to calendar
- Implement JS Minification to optimize
- Calendar validations
- Allow reordering of classrooms
- Consistency with x-editable (change to simple input)
- View by time patterns than simple days