Category on NSData that can determine if it is a representaion of a JPEG, PNG or GIF image.
To run the tests; clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Tests
directory first.
NSData+TDTImageMIMEDetection is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'NSData+TDTImageMIMEDetection'
and then run :
$ pod install
Alternatively, import all the source files inside the NSData+TDTImageMIMEDetection/
subdirectory into your project.
To report any issues with the library, create an issue on Github.
For any other feedback or suggestion, contact the maintainers (listed below).
Update the CHANGELOG.
Modify the version in the Podspec.
Update the version of the category used by the Tests
cd Tests/ && pod update --no-repo-update
Run the tests.
Commit your changes.
rake publish
NSData-TDTImageMIMEDetection is available under BSD 3-clause License.