You have to deploy a base stack containing the Fargate Cluster with the following CFN exports:
: The name of the Fargate cluster (!Ref Cluster
: The DNSName of the shared application load balancer (!GetAtt ALB.DNSName
: The zone of the shared application load balancer (!GetAtt ALB.CanonicalHostedZoneID
: The ARN of the task execution role of the cluster (!GetAtt ECSTaskExecutionRole.Arn
: The ARN of the shared application load balancer's TLS Listener (!Ref PublicLoadBalancerListenerTls
: The id of the VPC the cluster is running in (!Ref VPC
: Comma separated list of subnets the cluster is deployed in (!Join [',', [!Ref PublicSubnetOne, !Ref PublicSubnetTwo, !Ref PublicSubnetThree]]
: The security group used to allow Fargate containers to receive traffic from ALB (!Ref FargateContainerSecurityGroup
: the domain of the application loadbalancer (
You can use one of the example setups for this purpose or create your of template.
Running ./
deploys the CFN-Macro and a custom resource function to calculate ALB priorities.
Add a new CloudForamtion resource with the new type Taimos::FargateService
with the following properties:
Required: yes
The name of the prefix used for the value imports. If your cluster is exported as MyFargate-ClusterName
the value for BaseStack
would be MyFargate
Required: yes
The name of the service
Required: yes
The name of the Docker image to use for the service
Required: no
The container port to route traffic to. Default is 80
Required: no
The container protocol to route traffic with. Default is HTTP
Required: no
Object defining the size of the service. All sub-properties are optional
The number of CPU shares for the container. Default is 256
The memory reserved for the container in MB. Default is 512
The number of instance to run withing the service. Default is 2
Required: no
The subdomain to use for the Route53 entry. As domain the value of ${AWS::StackName}-Domain
will be imported.
Defaults to the service name in lower case.
Required: no
The number of seconds to give container instance to handle existing connections before shutting them down on updates. Default is 10
Required: no
Object configuring the health check of th service. All sub-properties are optional
The path to check. Default is /
The expected status code. Default is null
and uses the ALB defaults.
The grace period of the service to prevent failing health checks on startup to terminate the service. Default is 10 seconds.
Required: no
An array of policies to use for the IAM role for the task. Default is not to use an IAM role.
Required: no
Use this to specify environment variables for your container as key-value pairs.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: Taimos-Fargate
Description: Deploy a service on AWS Fargate
Type: String
Description: The number of instances
Type: Taimos::FargateService
BaseStack: Fargate-External
Name: TestService
Image: nginx:latest
Protocol: HTTP
Port: 80
Cpu: 256
Memory: 512
Count: !Ref Count
Subdomain: test
DeregistrationDelay: '0'
Path: /
Status: '200'
GracePeriod: 20
- PolicyName: test-service
- Effect: Allow
- 's3:PutObject'
Resource: '*'
FOO: bar