Using an Input Widget in the dashboard, you will be able to create devices in your account.
You can get the dashboard template to use here:
Use a dummy HTTPs device with the dashboard.
In order to use this analysis, you must to add a new policy in your account.
Steps to add a new policy:
1 - Click the button "Add Policy" at this url:;
2 - In the Target selector, with the field set as "ID", choose your Analysis in the list;
3 - Click the "Click to add a new permission" element and select "Device" with the rule "Access" with the field as "Any";
4 - To save your new Policy, click the save button in the bottom right corner;
You can just upload the analysis.js
You can run locally, you should have last node version and install all dependencies running npm install
on your terminal in this project folder,
after that, you can run the project just calling analysis, node analysis.js