This library is refactored from dart-lang/markdown(5.0)
A portable Markdown library written in Dart. It can parse Markdown to AST and render to HTML on both the client and server.
- 100% conform to CommonMark
- 100% conform to GFM
- Output AST with the location information of each text and marker
Hello **Markdown**!
"type": "paragraph",
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 0, "offset": 0 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 19, "offset": 19 },
"children": [
"text": "Hello ",
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 0, "offset": 0 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 6, "offset": 6 }
"type": "strongEmphasis",
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 6, "offset": 6 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 18, "offset": 18 },
"markers": [
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 6, "offset": 6 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 8, "offset": 8 },
"text": "**"
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 16, "offset": 16 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 18, "offset": 18 },
"text": "**"
"children": [
"text": "Markdown",
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 8, "offset": 8 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 16, "offset": 16 }
"text": "!",
"start": { "line": 0, "column": 18, "offset": 18 },
"end": { "line": 0, "column": 19, "offset": 19 }
import 'package:dart_markdown/dart_markdown.dart';
void main() {
final markdown = Markdown(
// The options with default value `true`.
enableAtxHeading: true,
enableBlankLine: true,
enableBlockquote: true,
enableIndentedCodeBlock: true,
enableFencedBlockquote: true,
enableFencedCodeBlock: true,
enableList: true,
enableParagraph: true,
enableSetextHeading: true,
enableTable: true,
enableHtmlBlock: true,
enableLinkReferenceDefinition: true,
enableThematicBreak: true,
enableAutolinkExtension: true,
enableAutolink: true,
enableBackslashEscape: true,
enableCodeSpan: true,
enableEmoji: true,
enableEmphasis: true,
enableHardLineBreak: true,
enableImage: true,
enableLink: true,
enableRawHtml: true,
enableSoftLineBreak: true,
enableStrikethrough: true,
// The options with default value `false`.
enableHeadingId: false,
enableHighlight: false,
enableFootnote: false,
enableTaskList: false,
enableSubscript: false,
enableSuperscript: false,
enableKbd: false,
forceTightList: false,
// Customised syntaxes.
extensions: const <Syntax>[],
// AST nodes.
final nodes = markdown.parse('Hello **Markdown**!');
final html = nodes.toHtml(
enableTagfilter: false,
encodeHtml: true,
//=> <p>Hello <strong>Markdown</strong>!</p>
'a #hashtag',
extensions: [
class ExampleSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
ExampleSyntax() : super(RegExp(r'#[^#]+?(?=\s+|$)'));
MdInlineObject? parse(MdInlineParser parser, Match match) {
final markers = [parser.consume()];
final content = parser.consumeBy(match[0]!.length - 1);
return MdInlineElement(
markers: markers,
children: => MdText.fromSpan(e)).toList(),