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Releases: tabularelf/audioExt

audioExt v0.0.3

29 Nov 14:34
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audioExt v0.0.3 Pre-release

-New loading/unloading feature for audio! Now audio files can be added as entries and load only when demanded!
-Added new functions, and overhauled a couple of the audioExtSound functions to allow the use of audioStructs.
-audioExtSoundGetID now errors out upon finding an invalid entry, instead of previously returning -1.
-Added a way to scan & load valid audio files upon start.
-Additionally to above, there's a few new macros that allow loading in all of the audio files as well. You can check under __audioExtConfig for more info.

audioExt v0.0.2

16 Nov 22:03
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audioExt v0.0.2 Pre-release

-Adds audioExtOggGetNames, audioExtOggScan, audioExtWavGetNames, and audioExtWavScan
-Fixed a bug with wav files misreading data. (Unexpected LIST-INFO chunks)
-Added in check to disable audioExt when on HTML5.
-Changed .getType() to .getChannel() to better represent what it returns.
-Added in config option to auotscan upon initializing.

audioExt v0.0.1

16 Nov 04:27
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audioExt v0.0.1 Pre-release

Library pre-released! Please check the for a list of the functions and what they do.