The goal of this project is to create a DASH like video delivery techinque through a BitTorrent network. This tool encodes a given video file in to a DASH formatted MP4, analyzes the file, and then creates a torrent bundle with additional AV/segment information embed in the torrent file. This torrent file can then be used by supported players (btdash-http-player) to play back the video file with full seek control.
Usage of ./btdash-packager [inputFile]:
Should the input file be transmuxed regardless of if it has to
Output JSON formatted manifest
-output string
Output directory for torrent and video files (default "./")
For example ./btdash-packager in.mkv -json
outputs three files in to your current directory
is the DASH encoded video rendition ofin.mkv
links to out.mp4 and has a playback manifest bencoded in its metadata fieldout.json
contains the playback manifest in a JSON encoded form
$ boxdumper out.mp4
size = 393685999
[ftyp: File Type Box]
[moov: Movie Box]
[sidx: Segment Index Box]
[sidx: Segment Index Box]
[moof: Movie Fragment Box]
[mdat: Media Data Box]
[sidx: Segment Index Box]
[sidx: Segment Index Box]
[moof: Movie Fragment Box]
[mdat: Media Data Box]