This is a customizable password generator written in Go, that creates strong and unique passwords based on a wordlist.
The generator combines three random words from the wordlist, capitalizes, maps, and inserts symbols defined in values.
Can be run locally as a docker image or deployed in Kubernetes (how to).
- Prepare a wordlist and place it in
- Modify configuration in
MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH: 15 # minimum length of the password
MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH: 32 # maximum length of the password
BETWEEN_SYMBOLS: "" # define symbols for between the words
INSIDE_SYMBOLS: "" # define symbols for the words
PASSWORD_PER_ROUTINE: 300 # generated passwords per GO routine
SYMBOL_MAPPING: # define which char you want to be swapped
key: value # value is mapped to key
WORDLIST_PATH: "wordlists/wordlist.txt" # Path to wordlist
- Build and Run Docker image
$ docker build -t password-generator .
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 password-generator
Testing is a complex task. Tests are located in the k6
folder and run like this:
k6 run k6/loadtesting.js
Security scanning of the source code inside devcontainer:
trivy fs .